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Who was Molla Panah Vaqif (1717-1797)?

– Who was Molla Panah Vaqif (1717-1797)?
– Since he was engaged in schooling from his young age, he was known among the people as Molla Panah. Vagif received his first education from Shafi Efendi, the well-known intellectuals of the era. Shafi Efendi was also a poet.
It is said that Molla Panah Vagif came to Ganja before arriving in Karabakh, for a while he was engaged in schooling in one of the cells of Shah Abbas mosque.
Molla Panah Vagif came to Karabakh in 1759. He lived for a while in Veysalli village of Fuzuli region and he taught here. Later he moved to Saatli, Shusha, where he opened school and taught.
As a teacher that understood the life, Molla Panah Vagif only observed the poor state of his epoc, how the people suffered material and moral hardships, tried to mobilize the people, to awaken the consciousness and wished the upbringing generation to possess science.
When he was a teacher he was fond of poetry. At that time, he created beautiful examples of folk poetry and set his literary traces in the history of Azerbaijan literature.
Molla Panah Vagif was the vizier of Karabakh khanate and played an important role in the foreign and domestic policy of the khanate. He had also services in the repair works of Shusha fortress.
The people loved Molla Panah Vaqif for his beautiful poems, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence, and saw him on a very high floor. The proverb, “Each reader is not Molla Panah” is not accidental.
Source: Misir Mardanov. History of Azerbaijan’s education. “Education” publishing house, 2011. Baku, I cild, 295 p.

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