Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


March 3, 2014. The International Conference devoted to the 55-th anniversary of IMM NASA “Topical problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” will be held on May 15-16, 2014 at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NASA. The participants should send the abstract of their paper to e-mail [email protected] to April 15, 2014. Parameters: 1-3 pages, Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, print-14, space-1,5.

The participants should send the abstract of their paper to e-mail [email protected] to April 15, 2014.

Parameters: 1-3 pages, Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, print-14, space-1,5.