Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Corresponding member of ANAS, head of “Fluid mechanics” department Dr. Panahov G.M. and Dr. Abbasov E.M. visited Institute for System Researches of Oil and Gas Production Processes (Moscow, Russian Federation) and GCC Group Corp. in Beijing (PRC)

Within the period from 19 June till 3 July 2014 corresponding member of ANAS, head of “Fluid mechanics” department Dr. Panahov G.M. and Dr. Abbasov E.M. visited Institute for System Researches of Oil and Gas Production Processes (Moscow, Russian Federation) and GCC Group Corp. in Beijing (PRC).

Discussions on oil and gas technological solutions were held and materials for the Invention Patent application on the basis of joint investigations prepared.

Brief reports and discussions were held on issues of new oil and gas technologies between RANS Institutes and representatives of IMM of Azerbaijan NAS and reports on the future studies were presented.