Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Today at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics the Republican scientific Conference “Spectral theory of differential operators” devoted to 75th birthday of the outstanding mathematician academician Mirabbas Gasymov was held

Vice-president of NASA acad. Akif Gadijev opened the conference with opening address. He gave information on life and scientific activity of Mirabbas Gasymov and shared his memories about him with the participants. Then the followers of M.Gasymov professor Sabir Mirzoyev and Hidayat Huseynov also shared bright memories about their teacher. They spoke on contributions that M.Gasymov has given to mathematics science.

Note the scientists from Turkey, Russia, Israel, Italy, Spain, Kazakhstan and Great Britain also take part in the work of the Conference. During three days they will give talks.