Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

On March 18, 2015, the commemorative event devoted to 85 years of acad. Faramaz Maksudov that has directed the Institute of mathematics and Mechanics during 26 years, will be held


Faramaz Gazanfar oglu Maksudov was born on march 20 in 1930 in Nakhchivan
city. In 1954 he has graduated from physics-mathematics faculty of Azerbaijan State University in mathematics specialty with honours degree. Having shown great interest for scientific-research works, Faramaz Maksudov has devoted all his life to science and advanced from ordinary post-graduate student to the President of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

F. Maksudov began to his scientific activity as a follower of the outstanding
mathematicians of Azerbaijan Mathematics School Zahid Khalilov. In 1959 he earned his PhD on the theme “Discreteness of the spectrum of not self-adjoint differential operators, completeness of eigen and adjoint functions”, in 1974 his Doctor of Science degree on the theme “Some problems of spectral theory of continuous spectrum polynomial operator bundles”.

In his first scientific works he received important results on discreteness of the
spectrum of complex valued one-dimensional Schrodinger operator, completeness of the system of eigen and adjoint functions.

He first proved the criterion of discreteness of the spectrum. He has obtained many
important results on investigation of the spectra of arbitrary, even order not self- adjoint singular differential operators, completeness of the system of eigen and adjoint functions of Schrodinger operator and on discreteness of the spectrum.

Inverse problems of spectral analysis are among his interest fields. The works in the field of theory of differential equations, the works devoted to asymptotics of the solution of variable potential Schrodinger equation also should be remarked. Some scientific works of Faramaz Maksudov were devoted to well-posedness and global solvability of initial boundary value problems stated for a system of partial equations.

In some his works devoted to mathematical problems of continuum mechanics he has development effective methods for solving dynamics problems of visco-elasticity theory.

He has obtained some important results in his works devoted to nonstationary
dynamics problems of linear visco-elasticity theory. The results obtained by him on global solvability of initial boundary value problems for two higher order nonlinearhyperbolic equations, investigations on smoothness of solutions, the results one-sided problems for hyperbolic equations were of great interest for his students and followers.

From 1974 to the end of his life F.Maksudov was the director of IMM, in 1976 was
elected a corresponding member of Republican Academy of Science, in 1980 the
academician of A.S. of Azerbaijan.

F.Maksudov always has taken care of young and talented scientists. Over 70 of them defended their PhD and Doctor of Science dissertations under his supervision. He has authored over 300 scientific papers and some monographs. At present some of his followers work in scientific institutions of Azerbaijan and foreign countries as Turkey, Iran, Germany, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Gazakhstan, Byelorussia, etc. Acad. F.Maksudov was acad. secretary of physical-mathematical and Technical Sciences department of Acad. of Sci. of Azerbaijan from 1981, and from 1997 to 2000 was the President of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. He has lectured his scientific results at some authoritive institutions, international conferences and symposia (Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Israel, France, Poland, Japan, Greece, Hungary, England, the USA, etc.)

In 1986 F.Maksudov was rewarded with “Friendship of peoples” order for his
successes in science and training of young specialists, the order of the presidium of
the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1994 he was awarded the Zeynalabdin Tagiyev Prize. In 1997 he was elected a vice-chairman of Azerbaijan-American Centre of culture, science and Economy and a full member of Islam Academy.

Faramas Maksudov really, was a very patriotic and sincere person. He was one of the founders of Yeni Azerbaijan Party Acad. F.Maksudov has a deep knowledge in
poetry, music and art, knew many verses of Azerbaijan, Russian, Turkish poets by

Today acad. F. Maksudov is 85. Azerbaijan community, the collaborators of the
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics that was directed by him for
long years, reverse his memory with great respect.