Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu


Weekly seminar on April 15, 2015, 10.00 will feature a report by Yuliy D. Chashechkin, professor Institute for Problems in Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences entitled “Differential fluid mechanics – a new generation of models ”.
The development of remote sensing technology, optical and acoustic instruments for flow visualization at the laboratory have firmly helped to establish that all kinds of flows in natural and industrial conditions are characterized by its own structure, which is manifested in the existence of high-gradient interfaces separated large flow components. Regular or chaotic structures found throughout the accessible range of scales of observation (examples are given). The comparison shows that the accuracy in fluid mechanics measurements (10%) is significantly lower than in solid mechanics (as better navigation tasks is 10-14). The purpose of the report is to analyze the cause of the striking differences between the two branches of the state of classical mechanics, to introduce a new approach and give examples showing the possibility of a significant improvement of the flow descriptions quality.
Calculations are performed taking into account the conditions of the equations compatibility which defines the rank of a complete system, the order of the linearized version and the degree of dispersion equation determining the number of independent functions that constitute a complete solution.
The calculated patterns of basic physical quantities (including forces and moments acting on the obstacle, and its rate of vorticity baroclinic generation) compared with the known and new theoretical and experimental results, and observations in the environment. At the end the directions of the theory of fluid flows further development, evolution of laboratory research and transfer of the results of natural and industrial conditions are discussed.