Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

On the results of the VII International Conference “MADEA”-7 devoted to 70 th jubilee of ANAS

On September 09-13 the joint International of mathematicians from Azerbaijan, Turkey and Ukraine “Conference Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications” (MADEA-7) organized by IMM ANAS and devoted to 70-th jubilee of ANAS was held. The Conference was opened by the co-chairman of MADEA-7 prof. Fakhraddin Abdullayev. The vice President of ANAS acad. Ibrahim Guliyev, director of the Institute of Mathematics of Ukraine, prof. Anatoliy Samoylenko, prorector of the National Aviation University prof. Adalat Samedov, prof. of Istanbul Trading University Akram Savash, director of IMM ANAS prof. Misir Mardanov and others addressed the Conference. Hundred mathematicians from Azerbaijan, twenty four from foreign countries (Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, France, the USA, Indonesia, China, Germany, Israel, India, England, Egypt, Ireland, etc.) joined the Conference.

After opening ceremony the conference continued its work in four sections. In general, during four days 12 plenary talks were heard: Anatoliy Samoylenko (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine), Andrievskiy V.V. (Kent University, the USA), Yalchin Efendiyev (Texas A&M University, the USA), Zajach J. (Chelm State Higher Education school, Poland), Vagif Guliyev (IMM of ANAS), Perestyuk M.A. (Shevchenko University, Ukraine), Vladimir Chubarikov (Moscow State University), Shoikhet D. (Galilei Applied Mathematics and Scientific Research Center, Israel), Sabir Mirzoyev (Baku, State University, Azerbaijan), Varnhorn W. ( Kassel University, Germany), Shevchuk I.A. (Shevchenko University, Ukraine), Ugur Abdulla (Florida Technological Institute, the USA).

During the Conference the contracts between the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS and M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State Universiy’s Mechanics and Mathematics faculty and also Innovation center of Tajikistan Academy were signed.

The joint project with the Institute of Mathematics of Ukraine was prepared.

In the closing ceremony the authorative scientists from foreign countries (Anatoliy Samoylenko, Vladimir Chubarikov Akram Savash, Ayhan Sherbetchi, D. Shoiket, Y. Zelinski and others underlined that the Conference was highly organized.

You can see the letters of thanks after the Conference in the following links:

  1. Director of the Institute of Mathematics of Ukraine Anatoliy Samoylenko
  2. Dean of Mechanics-Mathematics faculty of Moscow State University, prof. Vladimir Chubarikov.
  3. Rector of Chelm State Higher Education School (Poland), Zajach.
  4. Galilei Applied Mathematics and Schientific Research Center (Israel) Shoiket D.
  5. Prof. of Kent University (the USA) prof. Andrievskiy V.V.
  6. Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, acad. N.A. Perestyuk, prof. I.A. Shevchuk, A.N. Stajiski.
  7. Istanbul Trade University, prof. Ekrem Savash.
  8. Toulon University (France), prof. Jacek Gilewicz.
  9. Pekin Normal University, prof. Wang Kunyang.
  10. Florida Technological University (USA), prof. Ugur Abdulla.
  11. Texas A&M University (USA), prof. Yalchin Efendiyev.

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