Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

At IMM the meeting of the Scientific Council was held

At IMM the meeting of the Scientific Council was held. The agenda was discussed.
1. On organization of scientific lectures and foreign language courses at the Institute (order No 123, 15.02.2016, of President of ANAS).
2. On admittance to magistrates for 2016-2017 academic year.
3. On establishment of the prize of President of ANAS for young scientists. (order No5/4, 02.03.2016 of the Presidium of ANAS).
4. On stimulation of activity of research associates in ANAS (order No 153, 04.03.2016, of President of ANAS).
5. On the results of admittance to doctorates for training philosophy doctors (order No 1/24, 27.01.2016 of Presidium of ANAS).
6. On conferring the scientific title of docent to senior research associate of the department of “Computation mathematics and informatics”, PhD in techn. Sci. Irada Mirzazade by the speciality 3338.01-sistem analysis, control and data processing.
7. On holding the international seminar on “non-harmonic analysis and differential operators” on May 25027, 2016.
8. On signing agreements on corporation between IMM ANAS, the Institute of Mathematics of Ukranian NAS and V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of RAS.
9. Current issues.


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