Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The Institute seminar on “Basicity properties of cosine, sine and exponent systems in weighted Morrey-type spaces” was held

The seminar was opened by the director of the institute prof. Misir Mardanov. He shared his thoughts on stressed state in the front line with the participants of the seminar. The hero sons of the country were commemorated with a minute’s silence.
Then, teacher of Mathematics of Damietta University of Misir Arabian Republic Said El-Shabravi gave a talk on “Basicity properties of cosine, sine and exponent systems in weighted Morrey-type spaces.
The talk was devoted to cosine and sine systems in weighted Morrey spaces and to basis properties of exponential systems. New methods for weighted Morrey spaces were suggested.


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