Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Today is the birthday of the former director of IMM, a prominent mathematician scientist, corr. Member of Anas Ilham Mammadov

Ilham Tofig ogly Mammadov was born in Baku on July 1, 1955. Having graduated from the secondary school in 1977 he entered the faculty of applied mathematics of Azerbaijan State Oil and Chemistry Institute, and in 1975 completed his education with honors. In 1974-1975 he had carried out scientific practice at Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. He defended cand. of degree dissertation in 1976, doctor’s degree in 1981. In 1988 he was promoted to the rank of professor, in 2001 was elected a corr. Member of ANAS.
I.T. Mammadov has began his scientific activity as an assistant and then works as a senior research associate at State Oil and Chemistry Institute. Since 1982 Ilham Mammadov’s life was connected with the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Having started as a senior research associate at this Institute, during short interval of time has been able to rise to the position of deputy director and Director of IMM. He has worked as professor of Baku State University, at the applied mathematics and Cybernetics faculty.
He was one of the well-known scientists in the field of applied mathematics. His works on theory of quality of partial differential equations were highly appreciated by the specialists. He has obtained strong results on smoothness of solutions of second order quasi-linear parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients, boundary properties of solutions of non-negative characteristics form equations and quality theory of parabolic equations. His papers published in scientific journals, his talks given in international symposia and conferences are valuable contribution to the development of Mathematics in our country.
The scientist did not space forces and skills in preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel. He has supervised a great number of candidates of sciences and doctors .
He was also a skilled organizer. Being director of the Institute, a member of Higher Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan he had great services in the field of Mathematics. As an expert of the prestigious international organization NATO he represented Azerbaijan with dignity. In 1982 he has been awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize of with Komsomol Prize of Azerbaijan SSR.
Ilham Mammadov passed away on December 10, 2003 in his 49-th year. The well-known scientist, a skilled organizer and a wonderful person Ilham Mammadov’s memory will live forever in our hearts.


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