Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Editorial staff of “Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications” rewarded prof. V.S. Guliyev with a certificate for his scientific reviewers

Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutuDeputy director of IMM, corr.-member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev is a reviewer of the “Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications” with impact factor 1,014 that is included in the Thomson Reuters data base.
Editorial staff of “Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications” rewarded prof. V.S. Guliyev with a certificate for his scientific reviewers.
The journal started its activity in 1960 in the USA. Since 1999 it was included in the data base of SJR. Its main scientific field is mathematical analysis and applied analysis and the journal publishes research works in the field of dynamical systems, partial equations, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, complex analysis, real and harmonic analysis, operator theory, functional analysis, classical analysis of analytical theory of members and also papers on physics, chemistry, engineering devoted analytic properties and solution of original problems especially in these spheres.


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