Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

New publication received in the library of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan

Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutuThe Journal of Symbolic Logic publishes research in mathematical logic and its applications of the highest quality. Submissions are expected to exhibit innovation and not merely be minor variations on established work. They should also be of interest to a broad audience.
The Journal publishes only original papers that have not been published previously, and are not submitted for publication elsewhere. Full versions of important papers that have previously been published in conference proceedings are eligible for publication, provided that the submitted paper extends the pre-publication in a significant way. In such cases, when authors submit a paper for publication in the JSL they are required to provide a precise reference to the pre-publication and to explain how the submission differs from the conference version.
To be considered for publication, papers should be prepared following the JSL Author Guidelines. Authors should also review the Journal’s policy on Publication Ethics. Final decisions to accept papers are made by The Journal editorial board as a whole.
The Journal was founded in 1936, and is issued quarterly. Volume 81, being published during 2017, will consist of approximately 1580 pages.
The Journal is distributed with The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic and the new Review of Symbolic Logic. The Journal, The Review, and The Bulletin are the official organs of the Association for Symbolic Logic, an international organization for supporting research in symbolic logic and furthering the exchange of ideas among mathematicians, philosophers, computer scientists, linguists, and others interested in this field.

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