Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The scientist of encyclopaedist knowledge Nasireddin Tousi’s birthday

Nasir al-Din Tusi known as Abu Jafar Muhammed ibn Muhammed Ibn Hasan ət-Tusi was born in February 18, 1201 in Tus city (Hamadan, according to some sources), on June 25, 1274 died of the disease in Bagdad and was buried near the grave of the seventh imam Musa bin Ja’far in Kazimeyn. Tousi has lived in time of rich political squabbles, took an active part in social-political events, was a prominent religious figure and statesman, philosopher, poet, astronomer, mathematician, doctor, naturalist, interpreter and has left great scientific heritage after his death. He has scientific works in any field of science. The books written by him in the field of philosophy and theology “Təcrid əl-etiqad”, in logics “Əsas əl-iqtibas”, “Təcrid əl-məntiq”, interpretations to İbn Sinan’s “Əl-İşarat vət-tənbihat”, in the field of literature “Meyar əl-əşar”, in the field of algebra and arithmetic “Cami əl-hesab bit-təxt vət-turab”, “Ər-risalə fil-hesab vəl-cəbr vəl-müqabələ”, in the field of geometry “Təhrir li-Uqlidis”, “Təhrir əl-Məcəst”, extensive interpretations written to the works of Archimedes, Menelay and other greek classics, his books “Şəkl əl-qita”, “Ər-risalə əş-şafiyə an əş-şəkki fil-xütut əl-mütəvaziyə”, in the field of astronomy “Zici-Elxani”, in the field of ethics “Əxlaqi-Nasiri”, “Risalə dər elmi-rəml”, in the field of medicine “Əl-həvaşi əla külliyat əl-Qanun”, “Zəvabit ət-tibb”, in the field of music “Məqalə dər müsiqi” are only a small part of this list.
N.Tousi’s works were translated into Latin, English, Russian and other languages, were studied by different authors at different times and researches are continued up today. One can find interesting materials devoted to his biography, scientific activity in much of the literature on the history of mathematics. A group of scientists of IMM are involved in studying the heritage of great scientist N.Tousi. The Conferences devoted to memory of Tousi was held and numerous papers were published.

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