Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The meeting of the scientific council was held

Today, at IMM, the meeting of the scientific council was held. At the meeting, the issue on conferring the scientific title of associate professor in speciality 1211.01 “Differential Equations” to senior research associate of “Differential Equations” department of IMM, cand. phys. math. sci. Shamsiyya Muradova, and to senior res. ass. of “Functional Analysis” department of IMM, cand. ph. math. sci. Vugar Khalilov by speciality 1208.11-Theory of probability, was considered. As a result of secret vote, it was decided to appeal before the Higher Attestation Commission at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The staff of the competition commission for holding the positions of res. ass., senior res. ass., junior res. ass., leading res. ass., and chief res. ass. on 10 departments, was affirmed. By the resolution of the Presidium of ANAS №3/3 dated from January 18, 2017, the scientific title of “professor of ANAS” was confirmed. At the meeting, the members of the council were acquainted with the resolution and regulation. Taking into account the address and suggestions, it was decided to appeal the scientific council for nomination the candidates from IMM.
The current issues of agenda were discussed.

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