Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Islamic Countries Young Scientists Forum

Call for application for Islamic Countries Young Scientists Forum organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Dates: 24-28 April 2017
Young scientists from Islamic countries
18-35 years old
Maximum 2 people will be selected from each country
Expenses covered by the organizers:
Accommodation from 24 April, 12.00 till 28 April, 12.00 in the hotel provided by the organizers
Breakfasts, lunches and dinners on 25-27 April, dinner on 24th of April and breakfast on 28th April in locations provided by the organizers
Welcoming and transfer to hotel upon arrival of selected participants to Baku Haydar Aliyev International Airport on 24 April
Transfer of participants from hotel to Baku Haydar Aliyev International Airport on 27-28 April
Provision of relevant print products during Forum
Provision of coffee breaks during Forum
Expenses that shall be covered by participants:
Air tickets to and from Baku, Azerbaijan
Payment for Azerbaijani visa (“ASAN visa” system allows to obtain visa online)
Earth sciences and climate change
Theoretical and practical problems of organic and inorganic chemistry
Biotechnology and modern problems of healthcare
Economic management, regional development and demographics
The role of religious and cultural civilizations in process of integration
Electronic mathematical researches, information technology and innovations
Working language of the Forum is English.

To submit an application, please click on the link:
Deadline for applications is 01 April 2017, 23.59 Baku time.
Guidelines for thesis

Theses – are accepted in the electronic form of MS Word text editor.
The text font is Times New Roman 12 pt, the interval between lines should be 1. Paper format is A4, 2.5 cm margins all around. The thesis should be no more than 2 pages.
Thesis title should be written in the center of the page in bold and capital letters with 12 pt font size.
After leaving 2 lines the name and initials of authors should be written in the center of the next line in italics. Diacritical stars should be put after the authors’ surnames (if authors are from different organizations).
In the next line the whole name of the organization (shown with relevant stars), city, country, e- mail address of the reporter should be noted in italics with 12 pt font size.
Uploading a Figure in JPEG format is obligatory.

More information can be found at:
Contacts: [email protected] or (+994 12) 465 84 15 / (+994 50) 764 46 96

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