Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Researchers conducted by the Institute of mathematics and Mechanics in the report year and the obtained scientific results

According to top-priority directions progarm affirmed by the Presidum of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics research works were carried out on 17 themes and 105 works (78 of them on mathematics, 27 on mechanics). At the Institute, scientific researches are carried out in 6 directions (on mathematics – 5, on mechanics – 1).
On the report year, six scinetific works were accepted as important results. 1. “On a smoothness problem in Ridge function representation”. Executor: ass. prof. Vugar Ismayilov. The paper was published: Rashid A. Aliev, Vugar E. Ismailov “On a smoothness problem in Ridge function representation” Advances in Applied Mathematics, 73 (2016), pp. 154-169, (IF=0.885). 2. Solvability of a class of boundary valur problems for third order operator equation on a finite interval. Executor: doct. phys. math. sci. prof. Sabir Mirzoyev. The paper was published: S. Mirzoyev, Saadat B. Heydarova “On a boundary-value problem for third order operator-differential equations on a finite interval”. Applied Mathematical Sciences, vol. 10, 2016, No. 11, pp. 543-548 (IF=0.853). 3. On statistical type convergences in uniform spaces. Executor: Corr. Member of ANAS, prof. Bilal Bilalov, Tubu Nazarova. The paper was published: B.T. Bilalov and T.Y. Nazarova “On statistical type convergences in uniform spaces” Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, vol. 42 (2016), no. 4, pp. 975-986 (IF=0.325). 4. Necessary conditions for optimality of singular controls in retarded control dynamic systems. Executor: docotr of phys. math. sci. prof. Misir Mardanov, doct. phys. math. sci. prof. Telman Melikov. The paper was published: “Analogue of the Kelly condition for optimal systems with retarded control”. International Journal of Control, 01/ August, 2016, pages 1-9 (IF = 1.880). 5. Boundedness of a class of potential type sublinear operator and its commutator in generalized zeroed Orlicz-Morrey spaces. Executor: corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev. The paper was pulished: Vagif S. Guliyev, Fatih Deringoz, Sabir G. Hasanov, “Characterizations for the Riesz potential and its commutators on generalized Orlicz-Morrey spaces”, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, (2016) 2016:248 (IF=0.6306. 6. Studying influence of boundary layers in heteregeneous liquid flows to nonstationary processes. Executor: Corr. member of ANAS, doct. of technical sci. Geylani Panahov, cand. techn. sci. ass. Prof. Eldar Abbasov. The paper was published: Geylani M. Panahov, Eldar M. Abbasov. “Rheological properties of structure-forming disperse systems”. Neftegasovoye delo, vol. 2, № 14, 2016. pp. 133-140.
In IMM, ANAS, the international workshop “Nonharmonic Analysis and differential operators” was held and 9 plenary talks were listened. At IMM, 357 scientific papers were published. 208 papers (68 of them in Thomson Reuters impact factor journals), 120 thesis (42 – abroad), 7 monographs (4-abroad), 6 textbook and manual, 16 scientific popular editions, were published. There are 953 citations to the papers of the research associates of IMM.
The journal “Proceedings of IMM” and “Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics” journal of Azerbaijan Mathematical society published in IMM were included in “Emerging Sources Citation Index” (ESCI) of Thomson Reuters agency. On January 25, 2016, the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was a winner of Research Excellence Award held by Elsevier Scopus agency competition.
On the report year at the dissertation Council of IMM D. 01.111, 5 doctor of sciences, 10 philosophy doctor disserations were maintained.

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