Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The Institute seminar on “L. Zadeh’s fuzzy sets” was held

Today, at the institute seminar, the head of “Nonharmonic Analysis” corr. Member of ANAS prof. Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov gave a talk”. On L.Zadeh’s fuzzy sets”. In the talk the notion of coefficients space is introduced in connection with bases in Banach phases. It is determined by concrete basis and the operator of expansion in basis (we call it the coefficients operator) and forms an isomorphism between then and phases. This space is a Banach space of scalar sequences with appropriate norm. The coefficients space is determined also for other systems (it may also not to form a basis) in Banach space. The coefficients space plays a significant role in frames theory. The definitions of atomic expansion and frame are directly connected with this notion, In the talk it is shown that the coefficients space is taken to the cases of linear intionistic fuzzy metric spaces and it is shown that the previous results are valid in this case as well. Information about fuzzy sets introduced in 1965 by L. Zadeh is also given. These sets are determined and are compared with classic approach. Then operations on fuzzy sets were determined and were compared with classic operations.
It was shown that the fuzzy language is not a probability language. Information about development of fuzzy theory and its applications were given.

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