Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Academician Ashraf Huseynov’s 110-th anniversary


On September 20, one of the founders of Azerbaijan Mathematics School, outstanding scientisi, carefull teacher, humanist man, organizer of science and education acad. Ashraf Huseynov will be 110.
In Azerbaijan and former Soviet Union Acad. Ashraf Huseynov was known as a founder of the school of singular integrals and singular integral equations.
Ashraf Iskender oglu Huseynov was born in 1907 in Amirvarli village of Jabrail region. After graduating from physical-mathematical faculty of ASU he was a post graduate student at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and in 1932 supervised by famous soviet mathematician acad. Andrey Tikhonov he defended his PhD dissertation “Some problems of potential theory”, and in 1948 his doctor’s dissertation. Note that he was one of the first doctors of sciences at mathematics in Azerbaijan.
From 1939-1965 Ashraf Huseynov worked at Azerbaijan State University (now BSU) as a professor at the chair of “Functions Theory and Algebra”, and then a head of the chair of “Functions theory and functional analysis”, the dean of Mechanics mathematics faculty, gave lectures at special courses on mathematical analysis, differential equations, integral equations, mathematical physics equations, theory of functions of several variables and different problems of nonlinear functional analysis.
In 1962 this talented scientist was elected a corresponding member and in 1968 academician of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. In 1965 Ashraf Huseynov was appointed the first director of the Institute of Cybernetics of AAS. In 1970-1980 he was academic secretary of the department of physical mathematical and technical sciences.
Under the influence of courses on nonlinear functional analysis given by Ashraf Huseynov Azerbaijan scientists were engaged in nonlinear analysis. The seminars guided by him have played a great role in development of this field in Azerbaijan. In these seminars the directions as theory of branching of solution of nonlinear equations, their solution methods, mixed problems for quasilinear, parabolic and hyperbolic equations, structural properties of singular operators, theory of nonlinear boundary value problems for nonlinear singular integral equations and analytic functions, numerical solution of singular integral equations were created and developed.
The greatest inventions of the founder of school of singular integrals and singular integral equations is construction of Banach type spaces called in references as Huseynov spaces. He supervised over 30 PhD dissertations, was a supervisor of doctor’s degree dissertations of famous Azerbaijan mathematicians Yahya Mammadov, Khalid Mukhtarov and Arif Babayev.
He was an active participant of scientific conferences and Congresses. He was a chairman of the All-Union Conference devoted to application of the methods of functional analysis to nonlinear of the methods of functional analysis to nonlinear problems to mathematical solution methods of hydrogas dynamic problems of underground oil. In 1960-1965 he was a member of Methodical Board on mathematics under the Minsirty of higher and secondary Education of the former USSR. He has given lectures at higher educational institutions of present Union of Independent Countries, at Tirana University of Albania.
He has authored the books “Integral equations” and “Theory of polynomials”. For his scientific-pedagogical activity Ashraf Huseynov was rewarded with some prizes and 1960 the title of “Honored scientist of Azerbaijan” was conferred upon him. Acad. Ashraf Huseynov passed away on August 26, 1980.
His memory always lives in the hearts of the body of IMM.

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