Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The seminar on Free oscillations of a plate suspended in different cases with a Winkler base”

On 20.11.2017, at 12:00 has been held seminar of “Wave dynamics” department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics “Free oscillations of a plates suspended in different cases with a Winkler base” has been held. At the seminar has been report assistant professor Guldasta Akif qizi Mammadova “Free oscillations of a plate suspended in different cases with a Winkler base”.
Was considered the tasks of the vibration of the plats by the different cases lean on and the case of a hinge with elastic lean, round mass with an elastic lean and soon.
Also cases of presence with elastic support distributed on all area of a plate was considered. The problem was solved similarly to the previous one. If in the first case the solution was represented by the Bessel functions, in the second case, using the Calvin functions.
Calculates the lean stiffness as the function of the frequency.

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