Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

An event dedicated to 110-th anniversary of the honored scientist, acad. Ashraf Huseynov was held

Today, the event organized by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and dedicated to the 110-th anniversary of the honored scientist acad. Ashraf Huseynov, was held.
At first the participants of the event visited A. Huseynov’s tomb in the II Alley of Honor. The event was opened by the President of ANAS acad. Akif Alizadeh. He spoke about A. Huseynov’s meaningful way of life, his scientific creativity and as one the founders of modern mathematical school in Azerbaijan. Acad. A. Alizade said that A. Huseynov is the third doctor of sciences in mathematics in the history of our country and he is a known specialist in the field of “Integral equations and their applications”. He also emphasized that the results obtained by the scientist created a turning point in theory of integral equations and internationally accepted school of nonlinear singular integral equations was based on these investigations.
Then, deputy minister of education Firuddin Gurbanov spoke about indispensable services of A. Huseynov in development of mathematics in our country and in training personnels in this field.
F. Gurbanov underlined that A. Huseynov is one of the first mathematician-scientists and he has supervised over 30 ph.d and doctor of sciences dissertations.
At the event, acad. secretary of “Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences” department, acad. Nazim Mammadov gave a talk on “Urgency of scientific heritage of acad. Asharf Huseynov”.
Director of the Institute of Control Systems, acad, Telman Aliyev presented a talk on “Acad. A. Huseyniov is the founder of Cybernetics school in Azerbaijan”.
Then, director of IMM, corr. member of ANAS, prof. M. Mardanov launched a talk on “Ashraf Huseynov’s scientific-organizational activity”.
Prof. M. Mardanov specially emphasized A. Huseynov’s role in training scientific personnel in mathematics. He said that A. Huseynov when being the dean of “physics-mathematics” faculty of the BSU, did his best for talented students to study at the post-gradiate courses in Moscow, took them to Moscow with himself and placed them in dormitory, met with their supervisors and gave advices to his students. It is not accidental that the Azerbaijanies studying in Moscow appealed him as “Father”. Abdulla Mukhtarov, Burhan Kerimov, Majid Huseynzadeh, Hajibey Sultanov, Goshgar Ahmedov, Teymur Eminzade, Yuhannas Seyidov, Gurban Talibov, Jalal Allahverdiyev, Haji Rahimov, Kamal Shirinov, Vahab Alekperov, Gafar Efendiyev, Haji Gulubeyov, Alijavad Vahabov, Gahangir Gahramanov and others have studied at post graduate courses in Moscow and could rise to the scientific peaks.
Misir Mardanov said that the dear memory of the founder of Azerbaijan mathematical science will always live in the hearts who knows him and his meaningful way of life will be an example for future generation.
The dean of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty of BSU, acad. Mahammad Mehdiyev, deputy director of IMM, corr. memb. of ANAS Vagif Guliyev, head of Functions Theory and Functional Analysis chair of BSU, prof. Ali Ahmedov, the first deputy head of the Executive Power of Jabrayil region Arif Farzaliyev, director of the Institute of Oil-Chemical Processes, acad. Vagif Abbasov shared their memories about A. Huseynov.

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