Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The 26th anniversary of Khojaly tragedy was commemorated at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Today, the 26th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide was commemorated at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS. Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov, spoke about the cruelty of Armenians, including the night of February 25-26, 1992, with the help of the 366th motorized regiment of the Soviet Army in the horrible massacres committed in Khojaly:

“Before the attack, on February 25, the city began to be fired from the heavy armored vehicles. As a result, fires occurred in the city, and on February 26, at 5 am, the city was full of flames. In such a situation, about 2500 people, who remained in the city, were forced to leave the city in the hope of reaching the center of the Aghdam region inhabited by Azerbaijanis. But this intention did not happen. The Armenian armed forces and the militants of the motorized rifle who had destroyed the city and seized the civilians.

As a result of this massacre, 613 people were killed, including 63 children, 106 women, 70 elder and 8 families. 25 children lost both parents, and 130 children lost one of their parents. 487 injured, including: children – 76; 1275 people were taken captive and 150 missing. “

Misir Mardanov recalled the confessions of Armenian writers on the anniversary of the Khojaly genocide. He noted that it can not be more consistent than fact from the confessions written by Armenians in order to imagine how horrible the genocide was.

Writer-poet Zori Balayan, a participant of Karabakh events, one of the most beloved Armenian ideologists, writes about the genocide committed in Khojaly on February 26, 1992 in his book “The Revival of Our Spirit”:

“When we entered with Khachatur the house where we captured in Khojaly, our soldiers slammed a 13-year-old Turkish boy into the window, so Khachatyr brought his child’s mother’s cheek to his mouth so that he would not let the Turkish boy get too much frustration and then slaughtered the 13-year-old Turk from the head, chest and stomach. The Turkish boy died of blood loss seven minutes later, and my soul was proud of it, and Khachatur later thwarted the corpse of a dead Turkish boy and threw it to dogs of the same roots as Turkish. I knew that every Armenian would be proud of our actions. “

I put my foot on a 9-11 year old baby body …

Another Armenian author, writer-journalist David Kherdian, currently living in Lebanon, is proud of the tragic events of the Armenians in Khojaly committed to Azerbaijani Turks in his book “For the Cross”. The author of a Khojaly genocide on pages 19 to 76 of his book “For the Cross” writes:

“In the cold morning, we had to make a bridge from the swamp to Dashbulag, and I did not want to go to the dead, as Lieutenant Colonel Ohanyan pointed to me, do not be afraid, I stepped on the chest of a 9-11 year old girl, and I was in the bloodstream, and so I passed over 1200 dead bodies.

“On March 2, the “Qaflan” Armenian group collected the bodies and burned them separately in 1 kilometer of Khojaly. In the last truck, I saw 10-year old girl wounded in the head and arms, and when I looked closely, I saw her slowly breathing, despite cold, hunger and serious injury, she was still alive, and I will never forget the eyes of this child who is fighting with death, and then a soldier Trigranian grabbed her ears throw her into the dumped corpses and then burned them … “

Residents of Khojali, who abandoned their native homes and scattered in 48 regions of Azerbaijan, live in the hope of a fair settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, overcoming Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan and rebuilding the country’s territorial integrity.

The transformation of Azerbaijan into a mighty state gives grounds to say that our country will achieve the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The greatest factors that make such a strong sense of certainty are patriotism, bravery, warlike spirit of our people, love for the land, as well as successful politics and decisive position of the head of state.

At the end of the event, the victims of the Khojaly tragedy were commemorated with a minute of silence.

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