Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov and professor Ramiz Aslanov were awarded the diploma “Prize of Presidium of ANAS”

The regular meeting of Presidium of ANAS was held on April 18.

At the meeting, by the decision No444 of the President of ANAS, dated from July 10, 2017, Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Misir Mardanov and the head of the “Scientific –Technical information” department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Ramiz Aslanov were awarded the diploma “Prize of the Presidium of ANAS” for their fruitful activity in the field of popularization of Science.

We congratulate both scholars on behalf of our staff, wish them sound health and successes in their further scientific activities!
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