Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

I Baku International Scientific Conference on “History of Science and Science Study: Interdisciplinary Studies” will be held

The I Baku International Scientific Conference on “History of Science and Science Study Interdisciplinary Studies” organized by the Institute of History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences will be held on October 29-31, 2018.

The conference’s important calendars:

Deadline for submission of theses:
June 15, 2018
Giving information about the theses:
July 1, 2018
Deadline for submitting articles:
August 1, 2018
Conference Plenary Session:
October 29, 2018
Conference closing ceremony:
October 31, 2018

Thesis and articles compilation rules:

Volume: 1-2 pages for thesis, 8-10 pages for article
Format: A4, size 12
Font: Times New Roman, 2.0 cm from top and bottom, 1.5 cm from right, 3 cm from left, 1 interval, paragraph 1.25.

Thesis and articles structure:

1. The surname, name and patronymic of the author with a bold font
2. Thesis and article name in capital letters, with bold font
3. Name, title, academic degree of the enterprise (if any)

You can send your questions about organizational issues to:
Address: AZ 1143, H.Javid avenue, 115, 2nd floor
Contact number: +994 (012) 539 51 34, (050) 268 22 44

Working languages of the conference are Azerbaijani, Russian and English. Theses should be sent to [email protected].

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