On 11.09.2019, at 1000, at the institute seminar the book “Azerbaijan mathematicians” authored by corr. member of ANAS, doct. of phys. Math. Sci. Prof. Misir Mardanov was represented. Furthermore, preparation to the international Conference devoted to 60 years of IMM and to be held on October 23-25, 2019 was discussed.
Corr. Member of ANAS, doct. Phys. Math. Sci. Prof. Misir Mardanov has given bibliographic information about scientists with great merits in development of mathematical science in Azerbaijan from ancient times to present day in his book “Azerbaijan mathematicians”.
The book was intended for scientists engaged in history of mathematics, teachers of mathematics, students, for wide readership.
At the end the book “Azerbaijan mathematicians” was presented to doctors of sciences.
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