Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Azerbaijani academician and young scientist participated in the 3rd international conference of the Caucasus Mathematical Society as a plenary speaker

Head of the department of the Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, academician Asaf Hajiyev and junior researcher of the “Optimal Control” department of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics Melik Samin Telman oglu participated as a Plenary Speaker at “The III International Conference of Caucasus Mathematical Society” held on August 26-29, 2019 in South Federal University in Rostov.

About 70 mathematicians from 10 countries (Germany, Italy, Norway, Czech Republic, Russia, Turkey, Georgia, etc.) participated in the conference organized with the support of the European Mathematical Society.

Academician Asaf Hajiyev made a report on “Paradoxical consequences of probability theory”. The reporter referred to unforeseen (paradoxical) events in probability theory. It was noted that the results presented in this field are part of the theory of control for complex technical systems created by the author. The second paradox is that the scientist has presented the results, which are related to the mathematical models of moving particles.

Representing our country as a young scientist at the international event, Melik Samin made a presentation on “Necessary conditions for Extremes in nonuniform Variation problems”. The reporter spoke about the practical importance and research of the problems of unstable first and high order variations. Samin Melik showed how different types of conditions are needed for the weak and strong extremities in the uneven issues considered, including new insights into the trajectory. It is also said that these conditions resulted in the acquisition of the Weierstrass and Legendre terms and the broader scope of the results obtained.

The reports of Azerbaijani scientists were met with great interest by the participants.

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