The paper coauthored by deputy director of IMM in scientific affairs corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev and sen.res.ass. of the institute, doctor of math. sci. Tahir Gadjiev and candidate for a degree Sh. Galandarova within the I Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition was published. The paper was published in 1.065 higher impact factor Q1 category journal “Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations” ( reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base.
In the paper “Regularity in generalized Morrey spaces of solutions to higher order nondivergence elliptic equations with VMO coefficients”
the boundedness of sublinear integral operators generated by Calderon-Zigmund operator and their commutators when they are from BMO functions, was studied in the generalized Morrey space. According to the obtained estimations, the regularity of the solution of the Dirichlet problem stated for higher order linear elliptic operators was obtained.
See the following link to read the paper:¶mtipus_ertek=publication¶m_ertek=7516
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