Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Corr. member of ANAS, doctor of phys.-math. sci. Prof. Misir Mardanov met the masters

This year 8 masters were admitted to IMM:

  1. Aliyeva Khalida Sahil kizi
  2. Asadzadeh Javad Adail oglu
  3. Dadashova Nigar Yagub kizi
  4. Asadli Afag Adalat kizi
  5. Aliyev Azer Aliheydar oglu
  6. Gasimov Jasarat Jovdat oglu
  7. Nagiyeva Dunya Firdovsi kizi
  8. Sharifzade Durra Matlab kizi

The master of the first course of IMM Khalida Aliyeva scored the highest points between the masters.

Corr. member of ANAS, doct. Phys. Math. sci. Prof. Misir Mardanov wished great successes to masters in the future academic year.

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