Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The paper of Azerbaijani scientist has got the highest citation on the “Clarivate Analytics” international base for field and publication

The paper of deputy-director of IMM, corresponding member of ANAS, prof. V.S. Guliyev “Fractional maximum function and its commutator in Orlicz spaces” was published in 1.792 high impact factor Q1 category journal “Analysis and Mathematical Physics” (  reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base.

The paper has get sufficient number citations to the included to 1% of the best representatives of the field of mathematics based on high level of citation in “Clarivate Analytics” (Thomson Reuters) for field and publication year for May/June 2019.

It should be noted that this fact is  also extended to prof. V.S. Guliyev’s paper published in 1.188 high impact factor Q1 category Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ( reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base in 2018.

The most authoritative system for scientific assessment is “Clarivate Analytics” (Thomson Reuters) Agency. The agency with its chief office in Philadelphia, USA is located on the information platform “Web of Science”.

See the following link to read the paper:

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