Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Integration of young scientists into world science is being accelerated

ANAS Institute of Literature held a next meeting of Council of Young of Scientists and Specialists.

Chairman of the council, PhD in Physics, assistant professor, Famin Salmanov informed about issues on agenda. According to F.Salmanov, in February 2020 will be hold the II International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists dedicated to the Day of Oil Workers on “Interdisciplinary approaches to solving urgent problems of fundamental and applied sciences”. The scientist emphasized that, in recent a years, the International Conferences of Young Scientists have become a regular occurrence. The scientist noted that, within the framework of the conference it is planned to organize presentations in priority scientific areas.

F.Salmanov also noted that, the preparation of the “National Development Program of the National Academy of Sciences for 2020-2025” has begun. In addition, he noted that the work will be strengthened to support the scientific and public activities of students, entered to the Master’s degree program of ANAS.

Then, the scientific secretary of the conference organizing committee, Aysel Jabrailova has informed the chairmen of the Council on online registration. In conclusion, young scientists of the Institute of Linguistics Raim Heydarov and Elnur Huseynov spoke about new books.

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