Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev met with vice-president of Russian Academy of Sciences

President of ANAS academician Ramiz Mehdiyev met with the vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) academician Taliya Khabriyeva at the Presidium of the Academy.

Welcoming the guest, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that there is strong friendship and cooperation between the two countries and these relations are based on high trust and personal friendship between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev. He noted that a broad partnership between the scientific structures of the two countries, based on the agreements on cooperation signed in 2005 and 2019, has been established and is successfully developing. Speaking about the importance of an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation signed between the two organizations in May this year, academician R. Mehdiyev said that the document provides for the development and implementation of joint scientific projects in the priority areas of science and technology, training of highly qualified personnel, scientific research. Coordination, joint scientific activities, and these activities are being successfully implemented.

The head of ANAS also spoke about the implementation and significant results of the agreements signed between the Academy and various scientific and educational institutions of Russia. Over the past four years, the scientist spoke about the implementation of nearly 50 agreements covering various scientific fields, mainly natural and technical sciences, including mineral resources, biodiversity and environmental problems of the Caspian Sea, molecular biology, medicine and pharmacology, physiology, petrochemistry, information technology. Nanotechnology, space research, literary studies, history, archeology and ethnography are priority areas.

Academician R. Mehdiyev said that close cooperation of scientists of ANAS with colleagues from the Institute of Geology and Earth Physics, Russian State University of Oil and Gas has brought fruitful results. Speaking about the activities of scientists at the United Nuclear Research Institute in Dubna, the president of ANAS said that every year scientists and young specialists of the Academy conduct short-term and long-term research at the facility.

R. Mehdiyev spoke about the ancient traditions of friendship and partnership between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan, and expressed his confidence that these traditions will be further strengthened.

Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Taliya Khabriyeva, who thanked the head of ANAS for sincere reception, congratulated academician Ramiz Mehdiyev on his election as the President of ANAS and presented the congratulatory letter of the scientist Alexander Sergeyev, president of RAS.

Speaking from the “Caspian Dialogue” project academician Taliya Khabriyeva said that the project would have an impact not only in the fields of economics, ecology, energy and ethnic migration, but also in the organization of joint research in literature, art, ethnography, philosophy, archeology and other humanitarian fields.

Academician Taliya Khabriyeva invited academician Ramiz Mehdiyev to Moscow on behalf of the leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The offer was accepted with gratitude.

The meeting was attended by the vice-presidents of ANAS academicians – Isa Habibbeyli and Ibrahim Guliyev, director of the Institute of Legal Studies and Regional Integration of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov, Professor Rashad Gurbanov, head of International Relations Office, and head of Press and Information Office Zulfugar Farzaliyev.

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