Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

5th republican conference “Actual Interdisciplinary Scientific-Practical Problems of Information Security” was held

On November 29, 5th republican conference “Actual Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Problems of Information Security” began its work at the Institute of Information Technology with the joint organizational support of this scientific institution and Presidium of ANAS.

The conference was attended by researchers and specialists in the field of information technology (IT) from the relevant government bodies, universities and research institutes of ANAS, including representatives of the media.

The main goal of the conference was to study and discuss interdisciplinary issues of personal data security, formation of a culture of information security in society and safe management of personal data.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, ANAS President Academician Ramiz Mehdiyev said that the protection of personal data is an integral part of the right to privacy, which is one of the most basic human rights.

Noting the rapid development of information technologies in Azerbaijan and the fact that the Internet infrastructure covers the whole country, scientist said that people in our country have a high level of freedom of speech and the Internet, our citizens are actively using various social networks, e-commerce and other services.

According to the president of ANAS, the issue of protecting personal data should be considered as a whole from the point of view of national security. Citizens must take care of their personal data and behave appropriately, taking into account the nature of the virtual environment.

Academician R. Mehdiyev said that the reports presented at the conference were devoted to the technological, legal, organizational, socio-economic and cultural aspects of personal data protection, and praised the participation of representatives of relevant sectors of government, business and civil society.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies Elmir Valizadeh, Deputy Head of the State Agency for Special Communications and Information Security of the Special State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azer Ahadov, Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee, Major General Doctor of Technical Sciences Igbal Babayev, Chairman of the Press Council of Azerbaijan Aflatun Amashov, and President of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum Osman Gunduz talked about the activities of institutions that they represent in the field of personal data protection, and about the work done in this direction at the conference. They also addressed issues such as building a culture of information security, identifying ways to combat cyber attacks, and protecting personal information.

Then, ANAS vice-president, director of the Institute of Information Technology academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that measures were taken to expand the use of ICT in the government of the country to ensure a secure exchange of information based on a single network infrastructure.

R. Alguliyev said that the scientific institution he leads provided scientific support to work to strengthen the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of information security.

The event continued its work at the plenary session and in the sections “Scientific and technical problems of personal data security”, “Scientific and humanitarian problems of personal data security” and “Scientific and practical problems of personal data security”.

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