Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The paper of Azerbaijan scientists was published in higher impact factor international journal

The paper coauthored by deputy director of IMM in scientific affairs corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Guliyev’s within the I Azerbaijan-Russia joint international grant competition was published.

The paper was published in 1.792 higher impact factor Q1 category journal “Analysis and Mathematical Physics” (  reviewed in “Clarivate Analytics” international base.

In this paper “Characterizations of Hardy spaces associated with Laplace–Bessel operators” ( obtained a characterization of  Hardy spaces by using atoms associated with the radial maximal function, the nontangential maximal function and the grand maximal function related to  Laplace–Bessel operator for  and . As an application, further establish an atomic characterization of Hardy spaces  in terms of the high order Riesz–Bessel transform for .

See the following link to read the paper:

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