Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The new head of ANAS Department of Affairs was presented to the staff

On January 17, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Elton Mammadov, who appointed as the Head of the Department of Affairs of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences by the decision of President of this organization dated January 16, 2020, was presented to the staff of the Presidium of ANAS by corresponding member academician-secretary of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov.

Opening the event, A.Sadigov said that the Academy has launched multi-sector reforms to increase the role of science in the implementation of state policy. One of the important areas of these activities is the reinforcing of the logistic base of science, improvement of the social security of employees working in the field of scientific activity, that are directly related to the activities of the Department of Affairs. Noting that Professor Elton Mammadov has rich life and work experience, scientific, organizational and pedagogical activity, academician-secretary of ANAS expressed his confidence that he would be able to cope with the duties of the Department of Affairs in the new environment and wished him success in his new job.

Then chief of Head Office of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in Economy Fail Kazimov, deputy head of the Department of Affairs Muhammed Aliyarov, head department of Human Resources and Legal maintenance Rzagulu Hajiyev congratulated E. Mammadov.

At the end of the meeting, Elton Mammadov, head of the Department of Affairs, thanked the President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev for the high confidence shown to him and said he would do his best to justify this belief.

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