Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Academician Yusif Mammadov is 70 years old

January 24, marks 70 years of outstanding scientist in the field of mathematical physics and differential equations, Honored Scientist, holder of the Order of Shohrat, head of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Equations of Baku State University (BSU), Academician Yusif Mammadov.

Yusif Abulfat oglu Mammadov was born on January 24, 1950 in the village of Dastagird in the Sisian region of Western Azerbaijan. After finishing from high school in 1966, he entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University). In 1971 he graduated from the faculty with honors. 1971-1993 He was an assistant, senior lecturer, assistant professor, professor of the Department of Mathematical and Physical Equations of Baku State University. During 2000-2006 he was Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of BSU, and vice-rector for science. In 2006-2016, he was rector of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. He was an adviser to the Minister of Education in 2016-2017. He currently heads the Department of Mathematical and Physical Equations of BSU.

In 1974 he defended his thesis “Correct one-dimensional problems and analytical representations of their solutions” for the degree of PhD in Mathematics. In 1990, he completed his doctoral thesis “Investigation of spectral problems for systems of ordinary differential equations of a general form and substantiation of the subtraction method for the corresponding mixed problems” for the degree of Doctor of Mathematical Sciences. In 1991, he became a professor. In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS, and in 2017 an active member.

Y. Mammadov is a celebrate specialist in the field of mathematical physics and differential equations. Scientists are given the concepts of regularity, almost regularity, and normality in the neighborhood of finite limit points of the set of eigenvalues of differential operators and a formula is obtained for the expansion in eigen elements of such operators. A connection was found between almost regularity and periodicity properties of the coefficients of ordinary second-order differential operators. One-dimensional mixed problems for parabolic equations degenerating into a Schrödinger type are solved. The logarithmic growth of the attenuation decrement in the electric circuit at critical boundary conditions is proved. An asymptotic representation of the eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville problem is obtained for some complex-valued densities with a spectral parameter.

Y. Mammadov is the author of more than 100 scientific papers. He supervised for 14 doctors of philosophy, 2 doctors of sciences. For academic and pedagogical activities, he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Science in 2000 and the Order of Shohrat in 2010.

We congratulate the famous mathematician on his 70th birthday and wish him robust health and success in scientific work.

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