Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Meeting of the first territorial organization of the Presidium of ANAS was held

The meeting of the first territorial organization of the Presidium of ANAS was held. Organizational issues were considered at the event.

At the meeting, Deputy Chief of the Head Office of Science and Education, PhD in technical sciences Huseyn Huseynov was elected the chairman of the First Territorial Organization of the Presidium of ANAS, scientific secretary of the Presidium PhD in Philology Assoc. Prof. Associate Professor Hikmat Guliyev – deputy chairman, while chief specialist of the Division of Humanities Asmar Aliyeva – secretary.

Chief Specialist of the Division of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences, PhD in Physics Assoc. Prof. Khuraman Ahmadova, chief specialist of the Head Office of Science and Education, PhD in Mathematics Leyla Gadimova, chief specialist of Executive Group of the Office of Affairs and Public Relations chief specialist Samira Guliyeva has been approved as a member of the First Territorial Organization of the Presidium of ANAS.

The event was also attended by the first vice-president of ANAS academician Isa Habibbayli and corresponding member of ANAS Aminagha Sadigov.

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