Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

We congratulate the famous mathematician scientist Gabil Aliyev on the occusion of his 85-th jubilee!

The head of “Applied Mathematics” department of IMM, prof. Gabil Aliyev is 85.

Aliyev Gabil Garibkhan oglu was born on February 18, 1935 in Baku, Azerbaijan Republic. In 1962 he graduated from the mechanics-mathematics faculty of Kirov Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University).

In 1963-1966 he has been a post-graduate student at IMM, ANAS. In 1966, supervised by acad. A.A. Ilyushin at the Scientific Council of IMM has defended candidate of sciences degree dissertation “Stability of nonlinearly elastic reinforced cylindrical shells under tension of bonds”. In 1967-1979 he has been a doctoral student at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and in 1980 supervised by acad. A.A. Ilyushin has defended his doctor of sciences dissertation “Theoretical bases of flexible nonmetallic pipes bases on fibrous structures and their application” at the Scientific Council of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In the period of 1966-2019 prof. Aliyev G.G. has published over 150 scientific works including 12 monographs (7 of them abroad in the USA, Germany, Turkey); 18 papers abroad (2 in the USA, 3 in Russia, 1 in India, 1 in Poland, 12 in Turkey); 17 International patents in 8 leading countries (the USA, Great Britain, France, FRG, Japan, Italy, Sweden, India) and over 28 certificates of authorship of the USSR.

In 2010 he has rewarded with the Honor decree of the Presidium of ANAS, in 1984 with the badge of honorary inventor of the USSR, in 2002 the thanking letter of President of Turkey Republic Ahmed Nejdat Sezer, in 1913 the gold medal “The best patriotic researcher scientist” by the European Publishing House. In 2019 we was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation. In 2016 was rewarded with the order of ‘Piotr the Great” by the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation. In 2017 was rewarded with the medal “The scientist of the year” by the Mass Media Trade Union of Azerbaijan.

He is a vice-chairman of Higher Attestation Commission at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in mathematical and mechanical sciences, a member of doctor’s dissertation Council at IMM, ANAS.

From 1961 he has been working at IMM ANAS. Since 1985 he is a professor. At present he is a head of the department of “Applied Mathematics” at IMM ANAS.

We congratulate prof. G. Aliyev on the occasion of his 85-th jubilee, wish him a sound health, successes in his scientific activities.

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