Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Academic Council of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences held the first meeting

On March 3, the first meeting of the Scientific Council of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences (DPMS) of ANAS was held.

The event was attended by the vice-president of ANAS, the chairman of the Division academician Rasim Alguliyev, members of the Scientific Council, heads of scientific institutions.

In advance, academician Rasim Alguliyev informed the participants about the issues on the agenda.

Then a number of scientific and organizational issues were considered. Academician R. Alguliyev spoke about the tasks that arise from the decision of the Presidium of ANAS “On the scientific and organizational activities of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences for 2019”. He emphasized the importance of preparing and submitting the Dıvısıon’s Action Plan to the Presidium of ANAS within 1 month.

The chairman of DPMS also spoke about a number of important scientific and organizational issues that arise from the decision. According to the scientist, special attention should be paid to the implementation of innovative scientific results and achievements obtained at departmental institutions, the commercialization of intellectual products, the organization of relations with other structures within the framework of copyright requirements, intellectual property rights and other regulatory legal acts. It was noted that the expansion of international scientific relations and ensuring participation in megaprojects are also one of the priorities for the current year.

The meeting also discussed proposals regarding the 75th anniversary of ANAS, relevant decisions on the 90th anniversary of academician Faramaz Magsudov and the 70th anniversary of academician Adil Garibov.

Next, a decision was made regarding the recommendation for publication of the book “The Mechanism of Formation, Monitoring and Prediction of Earthquakes” in collaboration with academician Telman Aliyev, Doctors of Technical sciences Abbas Rzayev and Sakit Rasulov, including the monographs “Reliable System for Monitoring Changes in the Cardiovascular System”by PhD in Tehnical Sciences Narmin Rzayeva, “Methods for the recognition of printed handwritten texts” by PhD in Technical sciences  Elshan Mustafayev, “Management of experimental research in gas production ” by PhD in Technical sciences Ijabike Sardarova and” Digital control on a metering conveyor ” by PhD in Technical sciences Ogtay Mirzeyev.

According to another decision of the Scientific Council, the winner of the competition announced in 2019 in accordance with the agreement between the ANAS and the French University of Montpellier on the doctoral program, the junior researcher at the Institute of Physics, Said Pashayev, was seconded to the University of Montpellier.

The meeting also considered a number of personnel issues.

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