Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The papers of Azerbaijan scientists was published in higher impact factor International journal

Articles of the senior researcher of the department “Differential Equations” IMM, prof. Ziyatkhan Aliyev and senior researcher at the “Department of Equations of Mathematical Physics” of the IMM, prof. Nazim Karimov, as well as their students, are published in prestigious scientific journals with a high impact factor:

  1. З.С. Алиев, Н.Б. Керимов, В.А. Мехрабов, О сходимости разложений по собственным функциям одной краевой задачи со спектральным параметром в граничных условиях, I, Дифференциальные уравнения (IF – 0.659)2020,     Т. 56,  № 2,  С. 143-157.
  2. З.С. Алиев, Н.Б. Керимов, В.А. Мехрабов, О сходимости разложений по собственным функциям одной краевой задачи со спектральным параметром в граничных условиях, II, Дифференциальные уравнения (IF – 0.659),  2020,  Т. 56, № 3,  С.291-302.
  3. Z.S. Aliyev, P.R. Manafova, Oscillation properties for the Dirac equation with spectral parameter in the boundary condition, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (IF – 0.867),  2020, V. 43, No. 2, pp. 1449–1463.
  4. Z.S. Aliyev, F. M. Namazov, Spectral properties of the equation of a vibrating rod at both ends of which the masses are concentrated. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (IF – 0.927),  2020,  V. 14, No. 2,  pp. 585–606.
  5. Z.S. Aliyev, G.M. Mamedova, Some properties of  eigenfunctions for the equation of vibrating beam with a spectral parameter in the boundary conditions,  J. Differential Equations (IF – 1.938),  2020, V. 269 No. 2, pp. 1383-1400.

Published since 1965, the Journal of Differential Equations is the most popular and influential differential equation journal in the world (impakt factor 1.938, average impact factor over 5 years: 2.293: Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics 2019)

Published since 1965, the journal Differential Equations is also one of the most popular and influential journals in the field of differential equations in the world (Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics 2019).

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