Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Prof.  Gabil Aliyev gave a talk “Longitudinal oscillation of a rod with a changing mass, taking into account the physical and chemical changes in the material”

Today the regular seminar was held. In the seminar of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS the head of the Department of “Applied mathematics”, prof.  Gabil Aliyev gave a talk on the topic “Longitudinal oscillation of a rod with a changing mass, taking into account the physical and chemical changes in the material”.

The influence of the changing mass of the rod from the action of an aggressive liquid on the process of the dynamic behavior of the polymer rod has been studied. The nature of the variability of the natural frequency and amplitude of the polymer rod from the degree of variability of its mass, which arises from the action of the physical and chemical liquid medium surrounding it, is established.

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