Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Paper by researchers of the Fluid Mechanics department is published in an authoritative scientific journal with a high impact factor (Q2)

In the journal “Petroleum Science and Technology” (impact factor of the journal in Web of Science rating – 1,695; quartile – Q2) an article of the “Fluid and Gas Mechanics” department head, сorresponding member of Azerbaijan NAS Geylani Panahov and chief researcher, associate professor Eldar Abbasov (in co-authorship with professor Azizaga Shahverdiyev and Dr Renji Jiang) was published.

The paper “High efficiency in-situ CO2 generation technology: the method for improving oil recovery factor” presents the results of field application of carbon dioxide CO2 in-situ generation technology for recovery of residual oil reserves and improving oil recovery factor.

The article provides the results of theoretical and laboratory studies, as well as the results of field implementation of the energy- and resource-saving method to enhance oil recovery and improve oil recovery factor.

The publication is available at the following link:

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