Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics


On  June 21, 2023, 10.00 a.m., in the weekly Wednesday seminar the chair of the Department of “Non-harmonic analysis”  prof.  Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov  will give a talk on the topic ” Fredholmness of the Dirichlet problem for 2m-th order elliptic equations in grand Sobolev spaces”.

In the report  the 2m-th order uniformly elliptic equation whose coefficients of the principal part are continuous is considered on a bounded domain Ω⊂Rn with sufficiently smooth boundary ∂Ω. Grand Lebesgue space Lp) (Ω), 1<p<+∞, is considered. This space is nonseparable and it is defined the separable subspace Np) (Ω)  of Lp) (Ω) in which infinitely differentiable functions are dense. It is defined the grand Sobolev space Np)2m(Ω) of 2m-th order differentiable in Sobolev sense functions generated by subspace Nq) (Ω). The Schauder type estimate up to the boundary is proved for this equation. Using this estimate it is established the apriori estimate and then the Fredholmness of the considered 2m-th order elliptic equation in Np)2m(Ω). By solution we mean a strong solution.

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