Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

The regular General Institute seminar was held at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

On November 15 2023, the next All-Institute seminar was held at the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. In the all-institute seminar of IMM, corresponding member of ANAS , doctor of physics and mathematical sciences, professor, Kamil Rajab oghlu Aydazade and doctor of mathematical sciences, associate professor, Guliyev Samir Zakir oghlu delivered a report on  “Feedback control problems on classes of zonal control functions“.

The report is devoted to the problems of synthesizing optimal control of objects with concentrated and distributed parameters. An approach to the synthesis of control actions is proposed, in contrast to classical methods that directly depend not on the current values of the state of the object or its output, but on the set (zone) of the phase space to which they belong.

Formulas are obtained which allow to use effective first order numerical optimization methods to solve problems of zonal control synthesis. The results of computer experiments and their analysis are presented.

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