Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Tamilla Khaveren kizi Hasanova

Tamilla Hasanova Scientific secretary,
Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Email: [email protected]

Data of birth: 14.02.1952  (Baku)


1976- Baku State University faculty of mechanics and mathematics
1991- PhD “Investigation of some linear operators in weighted spaces of entire functions of many group of variables”
1992- associate professor speciality “Mathematical analysis”

Place of work:

1. in 1970 secretary at Bilacari selflement village soviet
2. methodologist in the chair “Differential and integral equation” at Baku
State Univ.
1973- A laboratory assistent at the IMM of NASA, senior research associate
1981- scientific secretary

Published papers: 60  (18 of them abroad)
She is the member of the Editorial Board of the “Proceedings of IMM NASA”,  scientific secretary  of Azerbaijan Society of mathematics, scientific secretary od dissertation councile on doctor dissertation, technical editor of the bokk by F.G.Maqsudov, R.Sadirkhanov, T.Hajiev “Abstracts of Mathematics: selected topics” 1992.
In 2002 was awarded with diploma of NASA
In 2005 by the decree of the Prezident of Azerb. Rep. Was awarded with the medal “Progress”

1. Неравенства типа С.Н.Бернштейна в весовом пространстве целых функций многих переменных. Деп. в ВИНИТИ, Москва,1982, №200-82, 17с.
2. О весовых пространствах разных метрик для целых функций многих переменных Изв. АН Азерб. Респ. сер. физ.-тех. и мат. наук, 1984, т.5, №1, с.13-16.
3. Исследование некоторых линейных операторов в весовых пространствах целых функций многих переменных. Автореферат канд. дисс. Баку 1991, 16с.
4. О граничных свойствах сопряженных классов обобщенных аналитических функций. Труды ИММ НАН Аз., 1995, Баку, т.II, с.165-169 (совм. Мусаев К.М.)
5. О некоторых граничных свойствах обобщенных аналитических функций. Известия НАН Азерб., 1996, т.XVII, №1-3, с.142-148. (совм. Мусаев К.М.)
6. Approximation by two dimensional Bernstein-Chlodowshy polynomials in triangle with mobile boundary. Trans. of NASA, 2000 Baku, v.XX, №4, p.47-51 (with Gadjieva E.A.)
7. On some boundary properties of generalized analytic functions Trans. of ASA, 2001 Baku, v.XXI, №1, p.133-137(совм. Мусаев К.М.)
8. On some boundary properties of a Cauchy-Stilltues type integral in a class of generalized analytic functions. Trans. of  NASA, 2003, Baku, v.XXIII, №1, p.165-169 (совм. Мусаев К.М.)
9. On uniform approximations of generalized analytic functions by generalized polynomials. Trans. of  NASA, 2004, Baku, v.XXIV, №7, p.155-160(совм. Мусаев К.М.)
10. On Lax-Milqram theorem. Дифф. уравн. и смежные проблемы. Труды межд. конф. 2008, Стерлитамак, т.II, 2008, с.48-51.

She was a participant of some International and Republican conferences (Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Iran, Georgian).
T.Kh.Hasanova is a specialist in the field of theory of functions. She has determined Bernstein and Nikolsky type weighted inequalities in terms of diagram of the indicator of the function in weighted spaces of functions of many group of variables and studied approximation of analytic functions in generalized polynomials.

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