Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Department of “Theory of creeping”


Head of the department: Lyatif Khalil oglu Talybly
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor
Tel: (+994 12) 3727590, (+994 12) 5380730
E-mail: l[email protected][email protected] [email protected]
Number of employees: 7
The main scientific direction of the department : The department conducts the scientific research works in 4 direction:
The first: deformation and destruction of constructions hereditarily (visco) elastic,elastico-plastic, elastico-viscoplastical materials. The forms of load – monotonic,cyclic, arbitrary
The second: Irregular wave spectrial theories,  in conformity to sea wave
The third : corrosion deformation under strain and corrosion tiredness destruction of constructions, which are worked out in aggressive medium .
The fourth: stochastically problems of deformation and destruction of construction, subjected to random loads.
The main obtained scientific results: I.Results obtained by the first direction: a) the effective theory of deformation and destruction hereditarily (visco) elastico-plastic bodies under arbitrary (including cyclic) loads is worked out;  b) the effective method of discount of temperature influence onto mechanical propoties hereditarily (visco) elastic materials is worked out;  It was proved the theorem, reducing solution of common problem thermo-viscoelasticity to solution corresponding usual visco-elasticity problem by using this method; c)the  effective theories of long strength hereditarily elastic (visco) bodies and cyclic strength  (tiredness) of elastico- plastic bodies are developed; d) the simulation of long destruction process is constructed; e) the method of solution of common boundary value problem of elastico-plasticity by simplification is offered; f) the effective method of proximate solution of general problem of linear visco-elasticity theory is offered; the exact analytical form of well-known A.A.Ilushin experimental function, using in the approximation method is defined;  g) there are produced the calculation of strength of different constructions, including rockets with hard fuel under the dynamical  temperature load operation;
h) the simulation of origin and development of cracks in deformable bodies and constructions are produced; j) the method of  solution of inverse problems of elasticity and mechanics destruction theory is offered; k) the method of mechanics of construction braking of crack’s growth is worked out;
II. Results obtained by the second direction: the effective spectral theory of non-regular(random) waves, which are in application to sea waves allowed to find the pressure of wave in any depth and other parameters of sea waves is offered.
III. Results obtained by the third direction: a) the effective theoretical-experimental method is worked out. It allows to define the time up to corrosion destruction of arbitrary geometry constructions, which are worked out under mechanical stress in aggressive medium; b) analogical method, permitting to forecast the time up to corrosion destruction of tiredness destruction is offered.
IY. Results obtained by the fourth direction: there was offered formule, defining the life of construction of arbitrary geometry, subjected to random loads.
More than 150 scientific works by marked directions of mechanics have been published by employees:
Talybly L.Kh. 1. Nonlinear theory of thermal stresses in viscoelastic bodies//Mechanics of composite materials. 1983, v.19, №4, p.419-425.
2. Deformation of a viscoelastic cylinder fastened to a housing under non-isothermal dynamic loading. PMM Journal of Applied math. and mech. 1990, v.54, №1, p.74-82
3. К вопросу деформирования и разрушения вязкоупругих тел при наличии температурного поля. Изв. АН СССР. Механика твердого тела, 1990, №2, с.127-139.
4. Modeling of fatigue fracture under stationary stochastic loading conditions. Applied Math. and Computation. 2007, v.184, p.874-879.
5. Boussinesq’s viscoelastic problem on normal concentrated force on a half-space surface. Mech. Of time-depend mater. 2010, v.14, №3, p.253-259.
Мирсялимов В.М. 6. Cracks with interfactial bonds in the hub of a fraction pair.
Mechanica (An Int. J. of Theor. And Applied Mechanics, 2012, №7, p.
7.Упругопластическое разрушение перфорированной стрингерной пластины.Проблемы машиностроения и надежности машин, 2012,№3,c.41-47
8. Elastoplastic Fracture of a Perforated Stringer Plate.
Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability, 2012, vol.41, №.3, pp.218-222.
9. Periodic problem of cavity development in viscous media. Fluid Dynamics, 2011, v.46, №2, p.262-269.
10.Fracture of a burning solid propellant attenuated by a crack-type cavity. Journal of Applied mechanics and technical physics. 2011, v.52, №1, p.141-150
Кязимова Р.А. 11. Об одной функции длительной коррозионной прочности. Коррозия: материалы защиты 12, 2010, с.4-7
12. Альтернативный способ вывода формул Ю.М.Работного для времени до коррозионного разрушения. Физико-химическая механика матер. 2010, №2, с.121-125.
13. Геометрически нелинейное кручение призматических стержней. Вестник Тульского Гос. Унив. Математика, механика информ.вып.2, Механика 2007,
14. К вопросу определения времени до коррозионного разрушения при нестационарных изменениях потенциала. Вестник Тульского Гос. Унив. Сер. математика, механика информ.вып.2, 2008, т.14.
15. О времени коррозионного разрушения металлов с учетом влияния механического напряжения и температуры. Арматуростроение 4/67/2010, с.58-60.


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