Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The diploma, certificate and breastplate of Azerbaijan Engineering Academy was presented to the world known scientist, with roots from Azerbaijan, doctor ofphysico-mathematical sciences, professor Mesud Efendiyev

Mesud Efendiyev 2At the meeting of the Presidium of Azerbaijan Engineering Academy, acad. Arif Pashayev presented the diploma, certificate and breastplate of the Academy to the world-known scientists professor Mesud Efendiyev and professor Ildar Gabitov
that were elected foreign members (academician) of Azerbaijan Engineering
University for their merits in fruitful cooperation in scientific-technical field, in
strengthening and development of international relations.
The world-known Azerbaijanian scientist, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, prof. Mesud Efendiyev now is at the head of “Dynamics systems” department of “Helmholtz” scientific-research center in Germany.
The other world-known scientists, doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. Ildar Gabitov now is director of the center of Photonics and Quantum materials in the USA and is the professor of mathematics chair at Arizona University. Both scientists continue their cooperation with Azerbaijan Engineering Academy.

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