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The world-known Azerbaijani scientist Lotfi A.Zadeh passed away

Lutfi Zade

The world-known Azerbaijani scientist, founder of fuzzy logic, prof. at the University of California Lotfi A.Zadeh passed away on 6-th September, 2017.
Lotfi Rahim oglu Aleskerzadeh was born on February 4, 1921 in Baku and got his elementary education at school No 16.
In 1932 his family moved to South Azerbaijan. After finishing secondary school, Lotfi Zadeh graduated from the University of Tehran with a degree of electrical engineering and in his 23 years he emigrated to the United States and entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a graduate student. The foundation of his 6 important theories known to the world science was laid here. From 1944 to 1959 Lotfi Zadeh received Phd and doctor of science degrees at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University. From 1959 he served at Berkeley University, from 1963 served as a chairman of the electrical engineering faculty at Columbia University.
At that University Lotfi Zadeh has worked as a life professor and director of Soft Computing Center.
The fuzzy Logic theory thut was widely used in production and considered as revolution in world science made him a world-known scientist. This theory gave a new expression to double set notion: fuzzy set.
Introduction of fuzzy set to science allowed to take into account uncertainty processes of nature of society more adequately. So, as the language of science, the measure of uncertainty changed, there appeared fuzzy physics, fuzzy chemistry, fuzzy mathematics and other fuzzy sciences.
The known companies of Japan as “Mitsubishi”, “Toshiba”, “Canon”, “Sanyo”, “Nissan”, “Honda” and others widely use fuzzy logic technologies in manufacturing photo cameras, video cameras, washing machines, in production of vacuum chemical cleaners, in management of cars, trains, industrial processes and others. At the same time Lotfi Zadeh is the author of such scientific inventions playing important role in development of world science as “Impression Theory”, “Systems Theory”, “Optimal filtrations theory, etc. Lotfi Zadeh’s known theories, states phase, control of dynamic systems and observation are on the basis of contemporary science of control. NASA studies, projects and applies control systems based on these theories.
The world-known scientist was last in Baku in November, 2008 to participate at the exhibition and Conference devoted to telecommunication and information technologies.
He has participated at the event organized at the Presidium of ANAS and was awarded with honor diploma of ANAS for his merits in science.
He was a leading specialist of NASA and NATO. He was also at the head of “Insitutte Zadeh ZIFT”. Institute of Information Technologies at the city of Berkeley where he lived.
We should note that after German scientist Max Plank, Lotfi Zadeh is the second scientist in the world that while alive there was a scientific center named after him and his theory.
Lotfi Zadeh was a member of a number of foreign academies. He was awarded with prizes of authorative societies, foundations and decorated with medals. He was a honored doctor of dozens of foreign countries and social organizations. The world-known scientist was elected as a member and honored academician of the USA National Engineering Academy, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics offers sincere condolences to people, scientific society of Azerbaijan and his relatives.
God save his soul!

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