Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Corresponding member of ANAS, professor Vagif Guliyev became the winner of the prize competition “Scientist of the Year” 2016 in the field of mathematical and technical sciences


On 2017, On October 16, in the framework of the grant competition of the Science Development Foundation “The worthy scientist”, the ceremony for awarding the winners of the prize competition “The scientist of the year of 2016” and “Young scientist of the year of 2016” was held.
The aim of the competition is to evaluate the scientists with active research works, high scientific results, with scientific papers in impact factor journals, with distinguished activities in 2016 in accordance with international standards.
For the first time, deputy director of IMM, corr. member of ANAS, prof. Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev was the winner of the prize competition “The scientist of the year of 2016” on the main nomination in the field of Physical-mathematical-technical sciences.
Prof. Vagif Guliyev’s research projects have been awarded with a number of international grants. He has authored over 250 scientific works, including 2 monographs. Over 150 scientific papers were published in international journals implicated in the Thomson Reuters list.
According to information based on information systems, his Google Scholar Citations is 2045, MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews-605, Scopus-561, Web of Science-540, Mendeley-12. The scientist has great services in the field of personnel training. He has supervised 22 philosophy doctors and 2 doctor of sciences.
In 2014 prof. Vagif Guliyev was elected a corr. member of ANAS. He is a member of the Presidium of Higher Attestation Commission under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
For his scientific successes he was awarded the “Soros Foundation” in 1993, and for effective scientific-pedagogical activity in training highly skilled personnels he was awarded the Honorary Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2002 he was awarded the “NATO Science Pro Coll Linkage Grand”, in 2008 the “Team leader” award in INTAS project. In 2014 by the decision of the award commission “European Publishing House” he was awarded the “Best Patriotic investigator Scientist Gold medal”. In 2017, taking into account his contribution to the development of mathematical science in Azerbaijan, and on the occasion of his 60-th jubilee he was awarded with Honorary Diploma of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.
This year, the Conference ‘Operator in Morrey-type spaces and their applications OMTSA2017” held at Ahi Ervan University, Turkey was devoted to 60-th jubilee of prof. Vagif Guliyev. Prof. Vaif Guliyev is the editor of chief of physical-technical and mathematical sciences section of Mathematics issue of the Transactions of ANAS.
The body of IMM congratulates Vagif Guliyev on the occasion of receiving the award ‘The Scientists of the year of 2016 and wishes him a sound health, successes in development of the mathematical science.

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