Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

Regular meeting of the Scientific Board was held

The regular meeting of the Scientific Board of IMM was held. The meeting was opened by director of IMM, corr. member of ANAS, prof. Misir Mardanov.
Professor informed the members of the Scientific Board about the fact that Baku was nominated as a candidate city for the World Exhibition of the International Bureau of Exhibitions to be held in 2025.
It was noted that the theme of the exhibition will be “Develop human capital and build the best future”. Then the heads of “Elasticity and plasticity theory”, “Public Relations”, “International Relations”, “Algebra and mathematical logic”, “Computing mathematics and information” departments doct. ph. math. sci. prof. Vagif Gadjiev, ph.D in phys. Aynura Jafarova, ph.D in tech. ass. prof. Eldar Abbasov, ph.D in math. ass. prof. Ali Babayev, ph.D in tech. Hasan Nagiyev reported about annual activity of their departments.
Then the issue on conferring the academic title of ass. prof. to sen. Res. ass. ph.d. in math. Arzu Gambar kizi Aliyeva by specialty 1211.01 Differential equations was considered.
By the secret vote it was decided to apply before the Higher Attestation Commission at the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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