The institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was created in 1959 on the basis of the department of Mathematics of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of AS of Azerbaijan SSR. (resolution №319 of the council of Ministers of Azerbaijan SSR dates from April 27, 1959 and report №11 of the meeting of the Presidium of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR dated from May 6, 1959.)
In 1959 the Institute consisted of 5 departments: the departments of theory of functions, differential and integral equations, approximate analysis, theory of elasticity and the computer center. The famous scientists M.V. Keldysh, M.A. Lavrentyev, I.N.Muskheleshvili, I.G.Petrovsky, S.L.Sobolev, Gelfhand, S.N. Bernstein and A.I.Maltsev have played a great role in creation and development of these directions.
(The first row from the left: director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NASA acad. Zahid Khalilov, prof. Amir Habibzade, prof. Hashim Agayev, the corr. members of the NASA: Goshgar Ahmedov, Yusif Amen-Zadeh, Yahya Mamedov, acad. Faramaz Maksudov, corr. member of the NASA Arif Babayev, acad. Mirabbas Gasymov. The second row from the right: the honoured scientist prof. Melik-Bakhish Babayev, doc. Alif Babayev, Yashar Kerimov, Israil Mehdiyev, prof. Aladdin Mahmudov, the corr. member of NASA Mais Javadov, prof. Yuri Domshlak.)
(From the right: decent Almas Huseynbeyova, prof. Shamil Vekilov, corr. member of NASA Bala Iskenderov, docent Khamis Najafov.)
(The department of theory of functions: from the left: docent Elman Gasymov, Natig Hajiyev, Kamil Musayev, prof. Daniel Israfilov, the honoured scientist prof. Melik-Bakhish Babayev, acad. Ibrahim Ibrahimov (the head of the department) , Akif Gadjiev, doc: Vaqif Shahverdiyev, Nizami Shykhaliyev, Hidayat Hasanov)
Main directions of activity
On mathematics
On mechanics
Main scientific results
The autstanding scientists of the former Sovient Union M.V.Keldysh, I.G.Pertovsky, B.M.Levitan, A.G.Kostyuchenko, A.A.Gonchar, P.L.Ulyanov , Y.M. Berezansky, O.A.Lodyzhenskaya, A.D.Kudravtsev, O.A.Oleynik, Q.E.Shilov, V.A.Il`in, S.N.Bernstein, A.V.Skorokhod. M.A.Naimark, Kh. A. Rahmatulin, A.N.Goose, N.Bogolyubov, S.L.Sobolev, A.N.Tikhonov, D.M.Nikolsky, V.S.Vladimirov and other scientist have played a great role in creation and development of these fields.
In the course of 50 years the academician Zahid I. Khaliliv (1959; 1967-1974); acad. Ibrahim I. Ibrahimov (1959-1963); doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. H.M. Agayev; acad. Faramaz G. Magsudov ( 1974-2000) , corr.- member of NASA prof. Ilham T. Mamedov (2000-2003), acad. A. Dj. Gadjiev (2004-2013) were the directors of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. From 2013 the doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. Misir Mardanov is at the head of the Institute.
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Academician Zahid Khalilov |
Academician Ibrahim Ibrahimov |
Professor Hashim Agayev |
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Academician Faramaz Maksudov |
Professor Ilham Mamedov |
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Academician Akif Gadjiev |
member of ANAS Misir Mardanov |
The institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was created in May 1959 and the main goal of its creation was to serve to development of mathematical and mechanical sciences in our country. The main basis of the institute was the mathematical sector of Institute of Physics and Mathematics created in 1945. At that time as in subsequent years collaborators of Azerbaijan State University and Azerbaijan Pedagogical Institute have worked at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics as half-timers and scientific investigations have been carried out in traditional directions of the Republic.
In 1950-1957 the outstanding mathematician academician Z.I. Khalilov has been at the head of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. The first director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics was acad. Z.I.Khalilov the deputy director the candidate of phys. math. sciences H.N.Agayev, the scientific secretary Y.I.Domshlak.
The Institute had the following departments and laboratories: the department of functional analysis (the head of the department acad. Z.I.Khalilov) , dep. of functions theory (acad. I. I.Ibrahimov), dep. of differential equations ( cand. of phys. math. sci. H.N. Agayev), dep. of integral equations (cand. of phys. math. sci. Sh.I. Vekilov) dep. of approximate analysis (cand. of phys. math. sci. A.S.Jafarov), dep. of theory of elasticity (doctor of phys. math. sci. Y.A. Amenzadeh), laboratory of dynamical strength (cand. of phys. math. sci. K. A. Kerimov) and computer center ( cand. of phys. math.sci. S.A.Aleskerov).
It should be especially noted that the heads of two department on mathematics Zahid Ismayil oglu Khalilov and Ibrahim Ibish oglu Ibrahimov and the heads of the departments and laboratory on mechanics Yusif Amen oglu Amenzadeh and Kerim Abdulkhalig oglu Kerimov were the outstanding scientists that laid the foundation of these fields in our country.
From 1960 the computer center parts from the Institute and functions as an independent computer center. After some times the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy is created on the basis of this center. So, by creating the IMM, 3 of its collaborators were the doctors of physico mathematical sciences (one academician, one corresponding member) and one the main goals of the institute was to prepare the doctors on different fields of mathematics and mechanics.
The first director of the Institute acad. Zahid Khalilov was an outstanding scientist that had indispensable services in creation and development of the school of functional analysis in our country was the founder and leader of this school to the end of his life. After graduating from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute Zahid Khalilov works as a docent in Tbilisi at the Institute of Railway transport engineers. In 1937 he becomes a post graduate student of the famous mechanical engineer, after words the academic secretary of the AS of the USSR N.Z.Muskheleshvili and after earning his candidate degree he comes back to Baku and becomes a docent at Azerbaijan State University. In 1942 he works at the sector of physics of Azerbaijan branch of the AS of the USSR and that time he was the first and only mathematician of this sector. Then in 1945 the Institute of Physics-mathematics is created on the basis of this sector. In 1946 Zahid Khalilov earns his Doctor degree and becomes the first doctor on mathematics in Azerbaijan.
Zahid Khalilov was one of the first Soviet scientists that felt the great importance of functional analysis, functional methods in theory of differential and integral equations. This book “the fundamentals of functional analysis” is the first book devoted to functional analysis in the USSR. He is also one of the first scientists in the USSR that has investiged differential equations in the classes of Banach-valued functions. In 1955 Zahid Khalilov was choosen an academician. In 1957-1959 he was the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, in 1957-1962 the academic secretary of the department of physical mathematical technical sciences, 1957-1967 the president of the Academy of Sciences, from 1967 to the end of his life, i.e to 1974 he was the director of IMM.
In 1959-1963 the Director of the IMM was the founder of the school of theory of functions in Azerbaijan, the leader of this school to the end of his life, the outstanding mathematician academician Ibrahim Ibish oglu Ibrahimov.
After graduating from Azerbaijan State Pedogogical Institute, I. Ibrahimov beging to work at API and at Azerbaijan State University. Then he was sent to Moscow post-graduate courses and became a student of the famous mathematician A.O. Gelphand. In 1939 he earns his cand. degree and becomes the first candidate of sciences in Azerbaijan. In 1947 he earns his Doctor’s degree in Moscow. I. Ibrahimov was our scientist recognized by the mathematicians of the Soviet Union and the world. He has supervised some investigations on theory of approximation of a real and complex variable functions, theory of interpolation, theory of entire functions, the completeness of the system of functions and great majority of these investigations have found their reflection in his books published in Moscow as well. The papers written in colloboration with the outstanding scientists of our time M.V. Keldysh and A.O.Gelphand have put great traces in references on mathematics. The report made by him at the International Conference dedicated to one of the creators of construction theory of functions academician S.N. Bernstein is the index of his authority. In 1959 I.Ibarahimov was selected a corr.- member of the Academy, in 1968 an academician.
In 1963-1967 prof. Hashim Agayev was an acting director of the IMM.
1967-1974 Z.Khalilov again was at the head of the Institute.
1974-2000 the director of the Institute has been Faramaz Gazanfar oglu Maksudov.
In these years there was a great raamination in preparation of doctors at the Institute. Though in 1959-1974 3 doctor’s degrees were defended at the Institute, at subesequent 15 years 15 Doctor’s degrees were earned (9 of them on mechanics). This was the result of tireless activity of Faramaz Maksudov. He succeeded in getting the young scientists to be known at the most advanced scientific centers of the USSR .
In 1976 Faramaz Maksudov was elected a corr. member of the Academy, in 1980 an academician. Till the end of his life he was the Director of IMM and at the same time in 1980-1997 he was the academician-secretary of the department of physico- mathematical technical sciences of the Academy, in 1997-2000 the President of the Academy.
From 2003 to 2004 the director of the Institute was the talanted mathematician Ilham Mamedov that has earned his candidate of sciences and doctor’s degrees when he was too young.
In 2001 he was selected a corr. member of the Academy. Ilham Mamedov was a known specialist in quality theory of differential equations, an author of monumental scientific papers and supervisor of a lot of candidates of sciences.
From 2004 to May 2013, acad. honoured scientist, doctor of phys. math. sci. Professor Akif Gadjiev has been at the head of IMM.
At the same time since 2001 he is the academic-secretary of department of physico- mathematical sciences of NASA and since may, 2013 the vise-president of the Academy of Sciences.
From may 2013 the doctor of physico-mathemtical sciences professor Misir Mardanov is at the head of the Institute.
A number of outstanding Russian-soviet scientists as M.V. Keldysh, A.N. Tiknorov, S.N. Bernshtein, N.I. Muskheleshvili, A.O.Gelphand, A.A.Ilyushin, X.A.Rahmatullin, S.M.Nikolsky, I.D. Kudryavtsev, A.G. Kostyuchenko, M.V. Federyuk, O.A. Oleynik, E.M.Landis, M.A.Yevgrafov, V.A.Il’in and others have incontestable services in creation of mathematics and mechanics scientific schools in Azerbaijan and preparation of highly skilled specialists for IMM and our country. These scientists have trained many post-graduate students, persons working for Doctor’s degree, have been on professional business trip at IMM, have given lectures on new fields and have directed our researchers in their own scientific centers, these facts can’t be forgotten.
As result of conducted scientific investigations and close relations with leading scientific centers of the USSR already from the middle of 1970, Institute of Mathematics and mechanics becomes one of the advanced scientific centers in the USSR.
Now in addition to 8 departments and laboratories of the Institute there are many new departments as algebra and mathematical logics, equations of mathematical physics, mathematical analysis, non-harmonic analysis, creeping theory, computing mathematics and informatics, liquid and gas mechanics, applied mechanics. In 1978 at the IMM a special design office was created and continued its activity to 2001, and over 60 works were applied to economics.
As result of scientific activity, collaborators of IMM have achieved many important results. The results were obtained on the following problems:
General instructions for solving different equations on functional analysis; stability of the solution of operator equations; spectral analysis of Strum-Liouville operator and solution of the inverse problem in two spectra; solution of the inverse problem for a Dirac type system; direct and inverse problems of spectral analysis and scattering theory for different equations of mathematical physics; completeness, basicity, minimality problems, theorems on expansion in functions.
Interpolation of functions on theory of functions, completeness, approximation of functions by polynomials, rational functions, by sequence of linear positive operators, extremal properties of entire functions, Bernstein and Nikolsky type inequalities in a class of entire functions with many group of variables; approximation of complex variable functions on a curve; approximation by combination of functions of a few number of variables.
Existence, uniqueness of the solutions of Cauchy and mixed problems for different equations on differential equations and equations of mathematical physics; local and global solution of the Cauchy problem for parabolic and hyperbolic equations; completeness of a part of eigen and adpoint functions of some ordinary differential operators; regularity of solutions of a wide class of elliptic and parabolic equations; quality theory of differential equations.
Differential properties of the symbol of many-dimensional Calderon-Zigmund singular integral on mathematical analysis: imbedding theorems; Boundedness theorems of integral operators in homogeneous, non-homogeneous type spaces and in certain hypergroups.
Solutions of Evans problem on non-intersecting semi-lattice manifolds on algebra and mathematical logics, Mcleins coherence problem of theory of categories.
Solution of Kostyuchenko problem known from spectral theory of operators on non-harmonic analysis; analogues of the known “ 1/4 Kadets” theorem; Housedorff-Young and Paley type inequalities for a complex index double exponent systems; Banach analogues of classic Lax-Milgram theorem.
The stress-strain state of elastic bodies on elasticity theory, Analytic and numerical solution methods of contact problems. Formula of the coordinates of the bending center of a complex hollow rod. Analytic solutions of the crack problem; limit transition method from three dimensional problems to two-dimensional problems; proximate theory of plates and shell; surface threads, nonlinear direct and inverse problems of deformation of surface threads orthotropic annular membranes.
Original and effective method that determines dynamical properties of elastic-plastic materials subjected to impact under wave dynamics; creation of aerofinisher and solution of the problem on impact on threads systems by bodies.
A new strength theory taking into account deformation and fracture processes of visco-elastic bodies on creeping theory have been elaborated; a method enabling to determine the time and place of fracture from corrosion; a theory enabling to find appropriate values of different parameters of corrosion by practice; theory of stability of elastic-plastic structural elements on fluid, gas mechanics and plasticity theory; asymptotic solution method of non-linear vibrations of visco-elastic bodies; regulation of non-regularities in disperse systems by gas inclusions.
At present the staff of IMM consists of 222 persons, including 39 doctors of sciences in mathematics, 68 philosophy doctors in mathematics, 21 persons without scientific degree.
Total number of research associates – 128. Number of departments engaged in scientific activity – 14, number of technical departments – 1, other departments – 7.
They work at Universities of our Republic and some foreign countries. The research associates of the Institute have taken part in a number of International grants including the grants of the scientific committee of NATO, the grants of the USA National Investigations and Development foundations, the USA – Russia – Azerbaijan joined grant, the grants of Science Development Foundation at the President of Azerbaijan Republic, grants of TUBITAK, the grants of SOCAR and others.
The research associates of our Institute always carry out their duties with honour. In foreign countries where they work they have always highly represented our science and have indisputable services in development of mathematical and mechanical sciences at these countries.
Our scientists are on the way of new investigations and successes. The Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics together with the institutes of NASA are ready to carry and their duties with honour.
Zahid Khalil oglu Khalilov
1964 – order of “red banner of labour”;
Order of “honorary symbol”.
Ibrahim Ibish oglu Ibrahimov
1988 – the honoured science worker;
1986 – order of “friendship of peoples”.
Faramaz Gazanfar oglu Maksudov
1983 – Prize of the Council of Ministers;
1986 – order of “Friendship of Peoples ”;
1990 – “Honoured science worker” of Azerb. SSR;
1994 – H.Z.Tagiyev prize;
2000 – order of “Istigbal”.
Ilham Tofiq oglu Mamedov
1982 – Prize of Azerb. SSR Lenin Komsomol.
Akif Djafar oglu Gadjiev
1981 – medal of for “distinguished services”;
1987 – medal of “Veteran of labour”;
2004 – order of “Glory”;
2005 – The honoured science worker of Azerb. Republic;
2006 – “The Ambassador for peace” given by the Universal peace federation and international federation for world peace.
Melik Bakhish Ikram oglu Babayev
2005 – The honoured science worker of Azerb. Republic.
Misir Jumail oglu Mardanov
2005 – “The honoured science worker” of Azerb. Republic;
2006 – “Glory” order;
2011 – “The honoured science worker of Dagistan Republic”.
Jafar Hasanaga oglu Agalarov
1970 – medal of “Honorary labour”.
Barat Rza oglu Nuriyev
1985 – All Union prize of Lenin Komsomol.
Ilham Adil oglu Aliyev and Khanlar Pasha oglu Rustamov.
1986 – Azerb. SSR Prize of Lenin Komsomol.
Tamilla Khavaran gizi Hasanova
1990 – Medal “Veteran of Labour “;
2005 – Medal “Progress”.
Gabil Garibkhan oglu Aliyev
1978 – 1980 – 1981 Silver medals of “exhibition of achievements of economics”;
1976 – 1983 – 1983 Bronze medal of the exhibition of achievements of economics;
1986 – Briestplate “Inventer of the USSR”;
1987 – “Veteran of labour of the USSR” and “ Veteran of labour of Azer. SSR”.
Almas Mamedali kizi Huseynbeyova
1970 – Medal for ” Labour heroism”;
1985 – Medal of “Veteran of labour”.
Mesud Efendiyev
1990 – A. Humboldt prize.
Fakhraddin Gulmamed oglu Abdullayev
2002 – “Ostrogradsky ” medal of Ukraine NAS;
2006 – N.M. Krylov prize of Ukraine NAS .
Musa Ilyas oglu Ilyasov
1986 – Medal of “Honourary labour”.
Geylani Minhai oglu Panahov
2004 – V.I. Vernadski honourable silver medal;
2009 – Honorable symbol for successes in development of science and economy.
Asaf Dagbeyi oglu Zamanov
2005 – Medal “progress”.
1959 – 1961. 1acad., 1 corr. member, 4 doc. of sciences, 16 cand. of sciences.
1961 – 1965. 1.acad., 1 corr. member, 4 doc. of sciences, 23 cand. of sciences.
1966 – 1970 2. acad., 4 doc. of sciences, 35 cand. of sciences.
1971- 1975 2. acad., 6 doc. of sciences, 42 cand. of sciences.
1976 – 1980 2. acad., 1 corr. member, 12 doc of sciences, 57 cand. of sciences.
1981 – 1985 3. acad., 1 corr. member, 13 doc of sciences, 76 cand. of sciences.
1986 -1990 3. acad., 1 corr. member, 16 doc of sciences, 110 cand. of sciences.
1991 – 1995 3. acad., 1 corr. member, 11 doc of sciences, 77 cand. of sciences.
1966 – 2000 3. acad., 1 corr. member, 20 doc of sciences, 58 cand. of sciences.
2001 – 2003 2. acad., 3 corr. member, 33 doc of sciences, 84 cand. of sciences.
2004 – 2008. 2 acad., 3 corr. memb. 1 acad. of Russia Academy of Natural sciences, 47 doct. of sci. 80 cand. of sci.
Year |
General member of employees |
Research associates |
Academicians |
Corr. members. |
Doct. of sciences |
Doctors of philosophy |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
2008 |
240 |
156 |
1 |
3 |
33 |
85 |
2009 |
241 |
156 |
1 |
3 |
31 |
82 |
2010 |
248 |
155 |
1 |
3 |
39 |
88 |
2011 |
248 |
153 |
1 |
3 |
39 |
90 |
2012 |
246 |
151 |
1 |
2 |
40 |
85 |
Zahid Ismayil oglu Khalilov ( 14.02.1911) doc. of phys. math. sci., prof. in 1955 was selected on speciality “Mathematics ” Scientific direction: mathematics and mechanics; passed away in 1974.
Ibrahim Ibish oglu Ibrahimov ( 28.02.1912) doc. of. phys. math. sci., in 1968 was selected on speciality “Mathematics ” sci. direction: theory of functions; passed away in 1994.
Ashraf Iskenfer oglu Huseynov ( 20.09.1907) doc. of phys. math. sci., prof. 1968 was selected on speciality “Mathematics ” sci. direction: singular integral equations and theory of functional spaces; passed away in 1981.
Faramaz Gazanfar oglu Maksudov ( 20.03.1930) doc. of phys. math. sci., prof. 1980 On speciality “Mathematics” sci. direction. Functional analysis, differential equations, mechanics; passed away in 2000.
Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzadeh (30.09.1928) doc. of phys. math. sci. prof. was selected in 1968 on speciality “mechanics” sci. direction: fluid, gas and plasm mechanics passed away in 2006.
Mirabbas Goycha oglu Gasymov (11.07.1939 ) doct. of phys. math. sci. prof. was selected in 1989 on speciality “Mathematics” sci. direction: spectral theory of operators; passed away in 2008.
Akif Djafar oglu Gadjiev (08.12.1937) doc. of phys. math. sci. was selected in 2001 on speciality “mathematics”. Sci. direction harmonic analysis, approximation theory, theory of singular integrals and potentials. At present he is the acad. Secretary of the department of Physical mathematical and technical sciences of NASA, a vice-president of NASA.
Mais Habib oglu Javadov ( 23.03.1929) doctor of phys. math sci. prof., honoured science worker, was selected in 1989 on speciality “Mathematics”. Sci. direction: differential equations; passed away in 1992.
Ilham Tofig oglu Mamedov (01.07.1955) doctor of phys. math sci. prof. was selected in 2001 on speciality “mathematics”. sci. direction general and quality theory of differential equations; passed away in 2003.
Bala Agahuseyn oglu Iskenderov (21.12.1936) doctor of phys. math sci. prof. was selected in 2001 on specialty “Mathematics” sci. direction differential equations; passed away in 2012.
Rauf Veli oglu Huseynov ( 1940) doctor of phys. math sci. prof. was selected in 2007 on speciality “Mathematics” sci. direction theory of measure and integral and theory of partial differential equations. At present he is the head of “Mathematical physics equations” department at IMM.
Mahammad Farman oglu Mehdiyev (02.10.1941) doctor of phys. math sci. prof. was selected in 2001 on speciality “mathematics” sci. direction: mechanics of deformable solids, general mathematical theory of shells and plates. Now is a senior research associate at IMM, the dean of mathematics and cybernetics faculty of BSU.
Bilal Telman oglu Bilalov – (02.01.1963) doctor of phys.-math. sci. prof. was elected in 2014 in speciality “Mathematics”. Now is the head of “Non-harmonic analysis” department at IMM.
Vagif Sabir oglu Guliyev – (22.02.1957) doctor of phys.-math. sci. prof. was elected in 2014 in speciality “Mathematics”. Now is at the head of “Mathematical Analysis” department.
Geylani Minhaj oglu Panahov – (25.08.1954) professor, was elected in 2014 in speciality “Mechanics”. Now is the head of “Fluid and gas mechanics” department.
Mardanov Misir Jumail oglu – (03.10.1946 ) doctor of phys.-math. sci. prof. was elected in 2017 in speciality “Mathematics”. Now is at the head of İMM.
1993 – cand. phys. math. sci. Y.V.Turovsky, the grant on mathematics “spectral theory of algebra of Lie operators” of SOROS.
1995 – 1997 doctor of phys. math. sci. K.N.Soltanov Fellowship from INTAS. (Grant: INTAS 94-2187)
2001 – doctor of phys. math. sci. prof. V.S.Guliyev Science committee of NATO.
2004 – On Azerbaijan – America bilateral Grant program 2 grants of Azerbaijan Science foundation and the USA National Investigations Foundation:
2005 – 1. “Theory of spaces and their application to partial differential equations” International project the total value of the joint project 130.000 euro with participation of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Gazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
Executors: acad. S.M. Nikolsky, professors: O.V.Besov, V.Mezya, Y.Burenkov, M.Otelbayev, V.M.Kokiloshvili, G.Bugrov, form IMM. Acad. A.Dj.Gadjiev, doct. of phys. math. sci. prof. A.J.Ibrahimov, doc. of phys. math. sci. V.S.Guliyev.
2. The international project “Russian technologies” is the joint America – Russia – Azerbaijan joint grant with total value of 60.00 dollars. The executors from Azerbaijan are the research associates from IMM doctor of technical sci. G.M.Panahov and cand. of tech. sci. E.M.Abbasov.
(The department of “Harmonic analysis and theory of operators” at the International Conference Turkey, Ankara)
From the left: prof. Vagif Guliyev, the corr. Member of AS of Georgia Vakhtang Kokiashvili, prof. Vakhtang Paatashvili (Georgia), prof. Stephan Samko (Portugal), prof. Ayhan Sherbetchi (Turkey) with his follower
2006 – 1. The scientific grant (5000 dollars) of Azerbaijan National Science foundation and America Civil investigation and Development in frames of STEP Business corporation program was gained by the research associates of IMM the doctor of technical sci. G.M.Panahov and cand. of techn. Sci. E.M. Abbasov
2. The collaborators of the department of “Mathematical analysis under the supervision of acad. A.Dj.Gadjiev were the winners of the International grant of INTAS in Caucasus.
3. Each of the following research assocites of IMM cand. of phys. math. sci. Z.V.Safarov, cand. of phys. math. sci. S.S.Hasanov, cand. of phys. math. sci. R.Ch.Mustafayev, cand. of phys. math. sci. M.G.Hajibeyov, R.A.Bandaliyev, cand. of phys. math. sci. V.E.Ismayilov were separately the winners of different grants of INTAS for young scientists.
4. The project of the cand. phys. math. sci. V.E.Ismayilov on the theme “approximation of functions by the Ridge functions” has won the grant of INTAS for young scientists (2 years).
The docent of the department of “Theory of functions ”of IMM is at the library of the Texnion Institute of Mathematics in Israel.
The workshop “the variable power spaces” held in Georgia in frames of INATAS project in South Caucasus countries. From the left: prof Lasha Tetunashvili, Vakhtang Paatashvilli (Georgia),docent Rovshan Bandaliyev (Azerb.) prof. Novuhiko Fujii (Japan),the corr. Member of Georgia AS Vakhtang Kokiashvili, prof. Stephan Samko (Portugal), prof. Rajeiro Humberto (Portugal), prof. Alexandro Almedia (Portugal), docent Mubariz Hajibeyov, prof. Natalya Samko (Portugal), prof. Alexandre Kharizashvili (Georgia).
5. The project suggested by M.G.Hajibeyov was adopted from Abdus Salam International Theoretical Physics Society.
2007 – The collaborators of IMM doct. of tech. sci. G.M.Panahov and cand. of tech. sci. E.M.Abbasov have gained the grant on the theme “the technology of oil production increase by gas generating reagents” in the frames of Business cooperation of Azerbaijan National Science foundation and Civil Investigations and development foundation of the USA.
2. All the works on the grant on all the stages have been completed.
3. The collaborators of the IMM A.I.Shahbazov, Y.V.Turovskiy, A.A. Babayev together with foreign research associates have won the INTAS grant.
4. Under the guidance and organization of acad. A.Gadjiev the workshop “Variable exponent analysis” was held in Baku. The well-known mathematicians of Azerbaijan, Portugal, Finland, Georgia (S.Samko, P.Hasto, V.Kokiasbvilli, acad. A.Gadjiev, prof. V.S.Guliyev and others) were the participants of their workshop.
1. In the frames of joint scientific grant by the CIDF and ANSF a grant on the theme. “A new approach for prevention of evaporation of light fractions of hydrocarbons” was gained.
2. In the frames of INTAS project the doc. of phys. math. sci. prof. V.S.Guliyev has conducted investigations in Cardiff University (Weyls) with prof. Burenkov and has given on hour lecture at the “Workshop of Functions spaces and Application” program held in Sidney (Australia).
3. The project suggested by T.R.Muradov was accepted by Abdus Salam International Theoretical physics Society.
Four grants were gained in 2009.
Executors: acad. of RANS, doct. of tech. sci. G.M.Panahov, cand. techn. Sci. E.M.Abbasov.
6 Grants were gained in 2010.
1. “Restriction of integral operators of harmonic analysis in some functional spaces and their applications” 60.000 man.
Executors: acad. A.Dj.Gadjiev, doc. phys. math. sci. prof. V.S.Guliyev, doc. phys. math. sci. prof. R.M.Rzayev, cand. phys. math, sci. J.J.Hasanov, cand. phys. math. sci. R.A.Bandaliyev, cand. phys. math, sci.R.Ch.Mustafayev, cand. phys. math, sci.M.G.Hajibeyov, cand. phys. math, sci. Z.V.Safarov, cand. phys. math, sci. E.V.Guliyev, F.A.Isayev.
2. “Development of methods for decrease of risk of greenhouse effect and control of fractal structures in oil recovery due to use of a mineral waste”
Executors: acad. of RANS G.M.Panahov, cand. phys.math.sci. E.M.Abbasov.
3. “Abstract analogy of Riemann boundary value problem for analytic functions and its application” 10.000 man
Executors: doc. phys. math. sci. prof. B.T.Bilalov, cand. phys. math. sci. V.F.Salmanov, S.R. Sadigova, A.A.Tagiyeva.
4. Asymptotic expaonsion of solutions of Cauchy and boundary value problems for “Sobolev equation”
Executors: corr. Member of NASA, B.A.Iskenderov, C.Y.Mamedov, G.Kh.Aliyeva.
5. Approximation properties of liner super positions and their application in neuron sets.
Executor: cand. phys. math. sci. V.E.Ismayilov
6. Mathematical simulation and visualization of flows under the action of global vector of winds in Caspian Sea.
Excutors: cand. phys. math. sci. F.B.Imranov, cand. phys. math. sci., N. Jafarov, H. Nagiyev, S.Azizova, T. Magsudova.
In 2011 the collaborators of IMM have gained 1 grant of TIBITAK and 12 grants of Science Development Foundation at the President of Azerb. Republic.
1. “Abstract analogy of Riemann boundary value problem for analytic functions and its application”.
Executors: B.T.Bilalov, S.R.Sadigova (10.000 man)
2. “Solutions of non-stationary equations at infinity”
Executors: T.S.Hajiyev, V.A.Mammadova, V.R. Sadigova (9.000 man)
3. Development of methods for decrease of risk of greenhouse effect and control of fractal structures in oil recovery due to use of a mineral waste.
Executors: G.M.Panahov, E.M.Abbasov, 2 years (40.000 man)
4. Long-term strength of thin pipe that transports the hot product
Executors: M.B.Akhundov, A.I. Seyfullayev, L.A.Hasanov (9000 man)
5. Mathematical simulation and visualization of flows under the action of global vector of winds in Caspian Sea.
Executors: F.B.Imranov, H.Nagiyev, N.Jafarov, T.Magsudova, S.Azizova, 2 years (20.000 man)
6. Boundedness of integral operators of harmonic analysis in functional spaces and some applications
Executors: A.Dj.Gadjiev, R.M.Rzayev, V.S.Guliyev, S.J.Hasanov, R.Ch. Mustafayev, R.A.Bandaliyev 2 years (60.000 man)
7. Approximation properties of linear super position and their application to neuron networks
Executors: V.E.Ismayilov (9.000 man)
8. Asymptotic expansion of Cauchy and mixed problems for Sobolev equation at large values of time
Executors: B.A. Iskenderov, S.Y.Mamedov, G.Kh. Aliyeva (10.000 man)
9. Solution of boundary value problem for spectral parameter second order differential-operator equations
Executors: B.A.Aliyev, M.G.Balayev, A. Adigozelov (6.000 man )
10. Investigation of the spectrum and trace of operator coefficient differential operators.
Executors: M. Bayramoglu, N.M.Aslanova, M.B.Mursalova (7.000 man)
11. Investigation of N. Tousi`s works on mathematics and logics
Executors: A.A.Babayev, V.F.Mejlumbeyova, E.M. Mamedov, S.H.Ibrahimova 2 years (40.000 man)
12 .Global solution of Cauchy problem for senilinean hyperbolic equations.
Executors: A.B.Aliyev, K.S.Mamedzadeh (8.000 man)
13. Grants N 1107695 from TUBITAK “operators of harmonic analysis in new type spaces”; variable exponent Generalized Morrey spaces and Generalized variable exponent Morrey spaces and some applications.
Executors: V.S.Veliyev, A.Sherbetchi (Ankara Univ. prof. ) (150.000YTL)
In 2012 1 grant from TUBITAK, 3 grants from Turkey Ahi-Evran University, 3 grants from science foundation of SOCAR and 3 grants for young scientists from the Science development foundation at the President of Azerbaijan Republic were gained
Application of research results
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2011 |
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