Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

The monograph of the Azerbaijani scientist published in “Springer” publishing house

Recently, the book of the honoured scheintist, academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy Sciences, doctor of physical-mathematical sciences Mahammad Farman oglu Mehtiyev’s book “Vibrations of elastic shells” was published in one of the authoritative international publishing houses, in “Springer”.

The author’s 212 page monograph is insipired by jusitification and refinement of highly diverse approximate dynamic models for engineering structures arising in modern technology, including high-tech domains dealing with nano and metamaterials. The dynamic equations of 3D elasticity are applied to the analysis of harmonic vibrations of hollow bodies of canonical shapes. New exact homogeneous and ingomogeneous solutions are derived for cylinders, spheres, cones, icluding spherical and conical layers, as well as for plates of variable thicknesses. Associated dispersion relations are subject to detailed asymptotic treatment in case of a small thickness. A classification for vibration spectra is suggested over a broad frequency domain. The range of validity of various existing 2D theories for thin-walled shells is evaluated by comparison with 3D benchmark solution. A number of numerical exapmles are presented. Refined versions of 2D dynamic formulations are developed. Boundary value problems for hollow bodies are also considered.

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